
We are ourselves? The reality is that we use a thousand masks in our different social contexts: work, family, friends,… Why? Our psychologist guides us in this regard…

How to leave our masks or appearances behind?

Sometimes we fight to be the same person at home, at work, among friends,… And it is because we have a thousand masks, a thousand ways in which we have adapted to each environment to fit in. It’s crazy!

Why do we put on a mask?

Our masks provide us with a false security, a false piety and, ultimately, a false identity. Behind the mask we hide what we really are because we feel insecure that we can be accepted as we really are. And, if we prolong this situation over time, we can reach a moment in which we ask ourselves: Who am I really? We can fall into a serious state of frustration and confusion trying to find an essence that we lost at some point in our life path.

You may not feel confused and you may even like it wear a mask in every environment you move in but, if so, this gratification will be temporary. Your mask will not satisfy you all your life, there will come a time in your life when you will feel a deep sense of identity emptiness. At one point or another you will reach that state of confusion we have talked about.

Our need to fit in the group It has made us lose ourselves. We hide who we are because we don’t really value ourselves for who we really are. Behind everything lies a situation of low self-esteem that has enslaved you to meet the expectations of others.

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How to leave our masks behind?

I simply want to tell you that you have no obligation to meet the expectations of others. You must be faithful to your beliefs and your emotions, not to the beliefs and emotions of your environment. You are not in this world to please anyone, that is not your job.

Lastly, I just want to invite you to let your real self emerge, without which you will never be able to get that true security that you are needing and looking for. You need to search for what you want to be from your real self and not from a false self, not from your mask.