What Are Emotional Support Animals?

What are emotional support animals?

In contemporary society, mental health care has acquired unprecedented relevance. In this context, emotional support animals have emerged as an invaluable tool to help individuals facing emotional and psychological challenges. These animals, which go beyond the simple company of a pet, provide comfort, support and emotional stability to people suffering from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and other disorders.

However, the concept of emotional support animals still raises doubts and questions in many sectors of society. What distinguishes these animals from conventional pets? How are they different from service or therapy animals? What are the real benefits they provide to people who need them? These are some of the questions that this article aims to address.

Throughout the next sections, we will explore in depth what are emotional support animals, the benefits they offer, the regulations and legislation that surround them, as well as the care and responsibilities involved in having one. Through a clearer understanding of this issue, we seek to promote greater acceptance and support for those who rely on these animals to improve their emotional well-being.

What are emotional support animals?

Emotional support animals are defined as animals that, under the recommendation of a health professional, usually psychological, provide comfort, company and emotional support to people suffering from psychological and emotional disorders or ailments. These animals are not trained to carry out specific tasks related to a disability, as service animals are, but rather their main function is to offer support and emotional relief to improve the well-being of their owner through their presence and companionship.

Unlike service animals, as we mentioned, emotional support animals do not receive specific training to be of support and usefulness for people with a specific functional diversity. For example, guide dogs for blind people that are useful for the movement and movement of these people, or dogs that detect changes in blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. The effectiveness of these support animals lies in the emotional connection and emotional relationship developed with their owner.

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Emotional support animals can be of any species, although the most common are dogs and cats due to their generally more sociable and affectionate nature. However, other animals such as rabbits, birds and even horses can also fulfill this role, always taking into account the patient’s vital situation and the usefulness of the emotional support that is necessary.

It is important to note that, although they do not have the same legal rights as service animals in all contexts, emotional support animals are protected by certain laws, such as the Fair Housing Act in the United States, which allows people to live with these animals even in homes with policies that prohibit pets. This legal distinction underscores the importance of these animals to the health and emotional well-being of many people.

Benefits of emotional support animals

Emotional support animals offer a wide range of benefits to their owners, positively impacting different areas of their lives. On a psychological level, these animals help reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress. The simple presence of an animal can provide a feeling of calm and security, which is especially beneficial for people suffering from anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder. Emotional support animals also encourage the production of endorphins and oxytocin, hormones associated with well-being and happiness.

As for physical benefits, interaction with emotional support animals can contribute to the reduction of blood pressure and heart rate, promoting a state of general relaxation. People with emotional support animals also tend to be more physically active, as daily care and activities with the animal, such as walking a dog, encourage regular exercise. This increase in physical activity not only improves cardiovascular health, but can also contribute to improved sleep quality.

The social benefits are equally significant. Having an emotional support animal can facilitate social interactions, as animals are often a point of connection with other people. For example, walking a dog can open up opportunities to have conversations with other dog owners, reducing social isolation and increasing opportunities to create new friendships. Additionally, emotional support animals can help people develop routines and structure in their daily lives, which is particularly beneficial for those struggling with mental health issues.

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In specific situations, emotional support animals have proven to be extremely helpful. For example, college students far from home may find solace in the company of an animal, helping them manage academic stress and homesickness. Seniors, who often face loneliness and isolation, can also benefit greatly from the companionship and unconditional love of an emotional support animal. These benefits underscore the importance of emotional support animals in improving the overall well-being of people who need them.

How to get an emotional support animal

To obtain an emotional support animal, you need to follow a process that usually includes an evaluation by a mental health professional. This professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, must diagnose an emotional or psychological condition that benefits from the constant company of an animal. If an emotional support animal is determined to be appropriate, the professional will provide a letter of prescription also known as an ESA letter (for its acronym in English, Emotional Support Animal).

The ESA letter should detail the animal’s need and how the animal will contribute to the patient’s treatment or well-being. This documentation is crucial to ensure that the emotional support animal is officially recognized and can accompany its owner in situations where pets are not normally allowed, such as in certain types of housing or during air travel (although airline regulations have recently changed ).

It is important to select an animal that is compatible with the individual’s lifestyle and needs. No special training is required for the animal, but its behavior must be appropriate to coexist in public and private environments. Additionally, it is essential to consider the well-being of the animal, ensuring that it will receive the necessary care and attention.

Care and responsibilities

Owners of emotional support animals have a responsibility to ensure that these animals receive the care and attention necessary to maintain their well-being. Although these animals do not require specialized training, it is essential that their behavior is appropriate to coexist in public and private environments. This includes ensuring that the animal is socialised, well behaved and does not cause discomfort or danger to other people.

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Basic care for an emotional support animal includes adequate and balanced nutrition, constant access to fresh water, and regular visits to the veterinarian to keep vaccinations and health checks up to date. Additionally, it is crucial to provide daily exercise and mentally stimulating activities to maintain their physical and emotional well-being. For example, dogs need regular walks and play time while cats require opportunities to climb and play.

Beyond physical care, owners should be aware of the legal and ethical responsibilities that come with having an emotional support animal. This includes following local laws and regulations regarding animal ownership and ensuring you have the necessary up-to-date documentation, such as an ESA (Emotional Support Animal) letter provided by a mental health professional. It also involves being a good citizen, ensuring that the animal does not cause damage to other people’s property or disturb the peace in public or private spaces.

The animal’s well-being also depends on the emotional attention and time that its owner dedicates to it. Emotional support animals, like any pet, need to feel like they are a valued part of the family. This is achieved through daily interaction, play and affection. Owners must be prepared to make a long-term commitment to the care and attention of their animal, understanding that the relationship is mutually beneficial.


In conclusion, emotional support animals play a vital role in people’s emotional well-being, offering comfort, companionship and support in times of need. Its presence can reduce anxiety, depression and stress, while promoting physical activity and social interaction. However, obtaining and properly caring for these animals comes with legal and ethical responsibilities. It is essential to understand the importance of your role, respect current regulations and ensure your physical and emotional well-being. Ultimately, the relationship between an individual and their emotional support animal can be deeply beneficial for both parties.