Is It True That ‘spring Alters The Blood’?

Is it true that 'spring alters the blood'?

“Spring alters blood” It is a popular saying that hides a half truth. Because, yes, there is some truth to it: this season is quite tied to increased sexual attraction and mood changes, but there is much more behind it.

Spring and its climatic changes also bring with them several alterations in the behavior of animals… Yes, including humans. We invite you to find out why!

What does “spring alters the blood” mean?

You’ve probably heard this phrase many times, right? We will start by telling you, literally, what is behind this expression.

This phrase refers to the transformations that occur with the arrival of this season in the behavior of animals and, especially, in that of people. These changes are mainly related to the increase in sensuality and the increase in opportunities for interaction between people.

With the arrival of this season, your senses are activated, your emotions become more intense and new opportunities to relate and fall in love present themselves. It is a period of renewal, happiness and energy that invites you to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings and establish deeper connections with others.

So why is this happening? Spring is distinguished by an increase in exposure to sunlight, which results in a high production of serotonin, a substance linked to emotional well-being. This increase translates into a greater feeling of vitality, spirit and optimism, which creates an environment conducive to sociability and love.

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It is also true that the pleasant and mild climate promotes enjoying the outdoors more, which invites us to have more contact with nature and stimulates the senses. The vibrant tones of the flowers, the singing of birds and the gentle breeze have great influence in creating this sensual and romantic atmosphere that provokes emotions.

In general terms, the desire to socialize, meet new people and share experiences increases. This does not always imply a sexual component, since it also increases the need for connection with family and friends.

How spring affects your body

Spring can be a source of many joys and also bring less positive consequences depending on the person. Let’s see it all!

Positive effects of spring

One of the benefits of spring is that it is capable of increasing vitality and energy. This happens because there is greater exposure to sunlight and this – as we previously told you – stimulates the production of serotonin… And, why not accept it? We humans love that serotonin rush. For this reason It is very normal that you suddenly feel more enthusiastic about participating in physical, social and creative activities.

It is quite common for many people to see improvements in sleep quality. The reason? With the increase in daylight hours, the natural sleep cycle is adjusted and this facilitates a deeper and more comforting rest.

Something wonderful about this season of the year is that it allows you to strengthen your immune system. By consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables, typical of spring and loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, your immune system is strengthened and makes you better able to resist diseases.

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And the last reason (and at the same time one of the most important) is that spring improves the mood. The sunny days and natural beauty of spring reduce stress and anxiety which encourages a more positive and optimistic attitude.

Negative effects of spring

Although the negative effects are fortunately not that many, individuals sensitive to conditions such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis or asthma may have a difficult time. For example, there may be allergies, since during spring pollination reaches its peak; This can cause allergic symptoms in them.

On the other hand, spring fatigue is a reality. Some people feel a little drowsiness and fatigue in spring, called spring asthenia, due to hormonal adjustments and the body’s adaptation to the new season. It is also true that, sometimes, abrupt changes in temperature and increased sunlight can trigger or worsen emotional disorders such as bipolar depression. Therefore, depending on the person, they may experience mood disorders when entering a new season.

Finally, chronic diseases can get worse. During spring, some chronic conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia can become worse due to changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure.

Enjoy spring!

As you can see, the positive consequences are many more than the negative ones, since, for the most part, they depend on each person. So, as they say that “spring alters the blood”, perhaps it is a good time for that “alteration” to be synonymous with responsible enjoyment.

So what can you do in the spring to have a great time?

1. Enjoy nature

Take advantage of sunny days to do outdoor activities, such as taking a walk, riding a bike or practicing your favorite sports.

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2. Cultivate a healthy diet

Incorporate fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables into your diet which are an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants.

3. Keep your body hydrated

It is essential to drink enough water throughout the day to prevent dehydration, especially if you exercise outdoors.

4. Respect your hours of sleep

Be sure to rest as needed to allow your body to adjust optimally to seasonal changes.

If you experience any negative effects, consult a doctor if you experience persistent allergy symptoms, spring fatigue, or worsening chronic illnesses. If not, just allow yourself to fill your life with joy, color, and why not? a little sensuality!