5 In-person And Streaming Psychology Courses For This Summer

In-person and streaming psychology courses for this summer

Summer is always a good time to train: beyond the hospitality sector, economic activity usually declines, so we have more free time to learn without losing economic opportunities.

The entities that carry out training programs know this, and that is why many design courses designed to last no longer than the summer, making them accessible to most people.

If you want to train in the field of behavioral sciences and mental health, keep reading, because here you will find a selection of in-person and streaming psychology courses for this summer that will help you make the most of your free time.

In-person and streaming psychology courses to take advantage of the summer by training you

These are several recommended psychology courses if you want to invest part of your free time in specializing and expanding your knowledge and your resume.

1. Practical Methodology Course in Sports Psychology and Coaching (UPAD Psychology and Coaching)


The UPAD Psychology and Coaching center located in Madrid (Argüelles neighborhood) has been combining its psychological intervention services with various training programs in the field of behavioral sciences for years.

This recommended sports psychology course offers an in-person format with another via streaming, lasts 5 days and starts on Monday, July 6; It is aimed at psychologists and final year students of their Psychology degree who want to train to be able to master direct intervention with athletes both at the individual level and at the team level. Furthermore, having very limited places (both in-person and online students), places emphasis on personalized advice.

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The learning here is theoretical and applied, with practical cases to become familiar with the use of psychological intervention techniques in sports. Among the contents taught in this training program are prevention and coping with injuries, advice to fathers and mothers as support figures for younger athletes, and the professional methodology used in the practice of sports psychology. , motivation and expectations management, and more.

You can find more information about this and other UPAD Psychology and Coaching courses on this page.

2. Sexual and Couples Therapy Course (UPAD Psychology and Coaching)


Couples therapy and sexual therapy services are among the most in demand in psychology centers. And is not for less; The lack of information and the taboos that still prevail in this area of ​​life, among other things, cause many people to develop problems in it.

This is why many people who are training in psychology decide, at some point in their professional or academic development, train in sexual and couples therapy, two complementary forms of intervention and that they overlap in many aspects. This course offers an overview of this field in which to become a professional, and is an excellent option as an introduction to sexology and couples support.

The UPAD Psychology and Coaching Sexual and Couples Therapy Course takes place over 6 days in the second half of July, and presents a face-to-face and online format via Zoom. It allows you to learn about the general aspects of the theoretical framework of sexology, as well as its areas of intervention: sexological counseling, sexual therapy and sexual education.

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In addition, it also focuses on developing fundamental therapeutic skills in this field, understanding the couple’s communication dynamics and their possible failures, becoming familiar with the tools of sexological intervention, and more. It has limited places: a maximum of 20 students.

3. Basic Therapist Skills Course (UPAD Psychology and Coaching)


Beyond the theory contained in psychological intervention manuals, there are the therapeutic skills that psychotherapy professionals develop. This course It is designed to make the task of mastering these skills inherent to the exercise of psychological intervention with patients easier.

This training program has very limited places to offer personalized treatment that adapts to the doubts of each student, and it is possible to attend it both in person and online (through live classes). In addition, it includes 3 individual sessions of 30 minutes.

In this course there are many practical exercises, and it is based on roleplaying and the development of soft skills applied to work in therapy, such as the modulation of non-verbal language, knowledge of the different relationship styles between therapist and patients, conflict management, self-analysis, and more. It starts on July 13.

4. Music therapy, Emotions and technologies (UNED)


From July 1 to 3, this interesting course promoted by the National University of Distance Education takes place, which It can be done online or in person in the municipality of La Roda, Albacete.

This training program consists of 20 teaching hours (one ECT credit) and allows you to learn about interesting aspects such as the way in which music influences the functioning of the brain and its effects on the nervous system from before birth to the stage of childhood. old age, or the way in which music participates in the cognitive development of boys and girls and influences the well-being of people with disorders such as Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, etc.

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5. Mindfulness Course (Psicotools)


The Psicotools psychology center, located in Barcelona offers one of the Mindfulness courses to take into account if you are interested in training in this very versatile form of intervention.

Its team of professionals has been using Mindfulness techniques for years, both with patients and in training programs for individuals and companies, and offers the possibility of learning to use them by applying their theoretical-practical principles to oneself and others.

You can see more information about Psicotools, as well as their contact information, on this page.