Deontological Code Of The Psychologist

Deontological Code of the Psychologist

Psychology is a scientific discipline and a profession of a generally socio-health nature that is practiced by a large number of professionals in the world.

The practice of our profession is complex and we generally deal with very intimate and personal aspects of the patients or users who come for consultation. We have a responsibility as professionals towards our patients or users, and there are many aspects that must be taken into account if we want to offer a quality service.

In this sense, furthermore, It is necessary that there be general principles and rules that allow all psychologists to practice safely both for the user and for the psychologist himself, respecting the rights and obligations that he has as a professional. These standards have been collected by the official colleges of psychologists in a Deontological Code of the Psychologist which we are going to talk about throughout this article.

Code of ethics: what is it and what is it for?

The code of ethics is understood to be the set of rules, guidelines, criteria and guidelines that must be put into practice by the group of professionals dedicated to a specific profession, in order to provide a unitary, ethical, responsible and professional service to the beneficiaries or clients of said profession. In other words, it is a document that includes the main guidelines and rules that every professional must follow in order to practice.

In the case of the psychologist’s deontological code, it includes, based on the principles of coexistence and legality established by the State and based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, both rights and duties of the professional, in such a way that It allows us to know what the role of the psychologist is in various areas and with respect to different aspects of the profession and what its practice implies.

It allows the professional to be guided and facilitates the development of psychology in a responsible, integral and respectful manner with the rights and dignity of people. Thus, its compliance protects clients and their well-being, the profession and the professional themselves by offering a common framework in which they can practice. Likewise, the standards stipulated therein are not mere suggestions but standards for the development of the practice of psychology as a profession. Non-compliance may lead to various sanctions, which may involve sanctions such as professional disqualification and even in some cases incurring a criminal offense.

It must be taken into account that the code of ethics may vary slightly depending on the Official College of Psychologists that issued it, although the basic content and in general the provisions and rules are the same. The deontological code that we will talk about in this article is that of the General Council of Official Colleges of Psychologists, from which all the others emanate. This shows a total of 61 articles divided into eight general rules or areas.

Main aspects on which the profession regulates

The professional practice of psychology is not simple, and there are many aspects and elements that must be taken into account when being able to correctly exercise the functions that correspond to this type of profession.

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In this sense, the code of ethics organizes its articles around eight large rules or thematic blocks within which the various articles mentioned above are broken down. These rules or sections would be the following.

1. General principles

This block or section stipulates general standards of conduct and good practices for the psychologist, including work aimed at achieving the well-being and development of the client the disposition and treatment towards the patient and their rights, confidentiality and its exceptions, respect for the patient’s idiosyncrasies and beliefs, impartiality in treatment, the search for maximum beneficence and minimum maleficence for the client, not seeking profit or taking advantage of their position in relation to the patient, care and caution when assessing and preparing reports or the possible need for collaboration with other professionals from the same or other socio-health fields.

2. Professional competence and relationship with other professionals

This second major section of the code of ethicstells you about the main duties and rights of the psychologist as a professional, the need for correct training (which must be continued) and to recognize the limits of their competence. The need to use contrasted and validated methods is also stipulated, or by notifying the patient in advance that the technique to be used has not yet been contrasted.

Other aspects they include are the custody of the reports and instruments used, or if contact with other competent professionals in other socio-health areas is necessary. The right to respect for one’s own professional activity and that of other professional colleagues is also valued.

3. Intervention

The third block of the deontological code is dedicated to guide and guide the professional regarding how the type of intervention carried out should be and the assessment of how it can be used. Thus, if you keep in mind that you should avoid those services that you know will be misused.

Also indicated are not extending the intervention when the professional or the techniques used do not give results, the possible referral to another professional, the determination of whether and to whom the problems and aspects discussed in consultation should be communicated (for example, the parents). or legal guardians in the case of minors or legally incapacitated persons) or the non-interruption or boycott of the interventions of other professionals.

It also stipulates the need not to give rise to confusing situations regarding the role of the professional, not to take advantage of the power situation that one’s own status can confer for one’s own benefit, to favor the patient’s autonomy even in the event that he or she wants to abandon or try with another professional (however, the psychologist may refuse to carry out a simultaneous intervention, something that on the other hand can be harmful or confusing for the patient) or the use of truthful data in cases in which he is required to provide advice. .

4. Research and teaching

Outside of the clinic, a psychologist can also work as a researcher or teacher. In this sense, the code of ethics stipulates the need to seek scientific and professional progress with research that follows the scientific method and with teaching in which this knowledge can be transmitted.

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The need for explicit authorization from patients or legal guardians is also stipulated in the event that it is necessary to use clinical data, as well as to avoid causing unnecessary or irreversible damage, even to avoid further damage.

Research must be done with respect for personal dignity and avoiding causing harm or suffering as much as possible, whether research is carried out with people or animals. In those in which aversive stimulations such as minor electric shocks are going to occur, the subjects must have clearly given their consent without any type of coercion and in complete freedom, knowing in advance what is going to be done. If the subject wants to stop the research or experiment, he or she may do so at any time.

5. Obtaining and using information

A very relevant aspect of the profession is confidentiality: Patients, clients or users are making the psychologist aware of very sensitive information regarding their life, what they have experienced, their emotions, thoughts, hopes and plans. In this sense, the fifth section of the psychologist’s code of deontology establishes the need to scrupulously respect the right to privacy, seeking only the information that is considered necessary and aimed at improving the client’s situation.

Professional secrecy must be maintained except in cases of force majeure or by judicial decree (or by parents or legal guardians, in the case of minors or incapacitated persons). The subject must also be able, if desired, to know the content of any report that is made and issued as long as this does not endanger the subject or the professional. The data collected may only be expressed to third parties with the patient’s authorization.

If clinical data is used for educational or informative purposes, this must be done in such a way that it is not possible to identify the patient from which it is based (unless the subject explicitly consents to this).

At the teaching level, it is also stipulated that the presence of interns or students will only be possible with the client’s consent. If the patient dies, stops coming or disappears, the professional will continue to be subject to professional secrecy.

6. Advertising

As a profession, psychologists also need to advertise and make themselves known in order to get patients or clients. In this sense The code of ethics establishes the need to adjust their conduct in such a way as to safeguard the integrity of the profession and professional secrecy.

It is also stipulated that the attribution of a title that one does not possess is a serious violation, as well as titles that are misleading. If a pseudonym is used, the professional must declare it to the General Council of Official Colleges of Psychologists. It is also established that the psychology professional can be part of counseling campaigns at a cultural, educational, health, work or social level.

7. Fees and remuneration

The salary or remuneration that a psychologist will obtain with his services is an aspect that, although it depends largely on the professional’s decision, also receives consideration within the code of deontology.

In this sense It is stipulated that the fees charged by the professional must be informed to the client in advance, in addition to the fact that it is not possible to receive remuneration for making referrals to other professionals. The official associations offer indicative criteria, but as long as it does not denigrate the profession or engage in unfair competition, the price in question is stipulated by the professional.

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8. Procedural guarantees

The last major section of the code of ethics is dedicated to procedural guarantees. Thus, in this section we observe articles that stipulate the need to report violations of the rules of the code of ethics before the Ethics Commission (after which the Governing Board will proceed to adopt the corresponding resolution).

Another element to highlight, typical of article 59, is that the General Council of Official Colleges of Psychologists guaranteed the defense of professionals attacked or threatened in the exercise of their functions, defending the dignity and independence of the psychologist. It is also stipulated that the rules stipulated by the code of ethics imply a formal commitment to society and that they are part of the legal systems.

It is noteworthy, in article 61, the fact that if in any specific case some of these rules come into conflict with each other, the professional must resolve conscientiously and inform both the Deontological Commission of the school in which he is enrolled and the various concerned parties.

Some of the most relevant basic principles

Each and every one of the articles of the code of ethics are relevant to the professional practice of the psychologist. However, Perhaps the most important are the general principles, among which, as we mentioned above, the following of a series of basic guidelines for good practice as a psychologist stand out.

First of all, we find the need to seek maximum beneficence and non-maleficence. This implies that the professional practice of psychology is primarily oriented towards achieving the promotion, protection and improvement to the extent possible of the client’s well-being and autonomy. With regard to non-maleficence, this concept refers to the fact that said search must not result in the causing of damage to the client, whether through its action or omission. This does not mean that treatments or therapies do not involve work on an emotional level that may be partly aversive, but it does mean avoiding causing harm in the process.

Another of the basic principles of the code of ethics is the responsibility of the professional in the development of his profession, taking into account the obligations and rights he has and specifying the need to comply with ethical standards, as well as continuous training for the purpose. to offer the best possible service.

In addition, integrity and honesty is necessary in dealing with the patient or user, seeking sincere contact in which there are no deceptions, frauds, omissions or unwise or unfounded practices.

Another of the main elements is impartiality and justice: the psychologist must practice his profession without discrimination based on sex, age, gender, sexual orientation, ability, language, religion, race, socioeconomic level or other reasons. This does not imply, however, that there is no right to refer if the case in question is beyond our competence or we consider that we cannot offer the user impartial and fair treatment. Likewise, the ability not to judge or criticize the patient regardless of their condition or situation is a fundamental requirement.

Finally, The practice of psychology is subject to current legislation and rights such as confidentiality, privacy, the ability to decide/autonomy must be respected

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