How To Live With Dual Pathology?

Living with dual pathology

Dual pathology is a condition in which a person suffers two disorders that occur at the same time: addiction to substances or other agents and mental disorders. This combination has unique clinical characteristics that can be challenging for both patients and healthcare professionals. In this article we examine how to live with a dual pathology and give recommendations to improve the quality of life of those affected.

Challenges when working with patients with dual pathology

Working with patients with dual pathology presents unique challenges compared to patients with a single mental disorder. The lack of specific equipment and programs for dual pathology can impede the patient’s recovery. Lack of motivation, constant switching between devices, abandonment of treatment and denial of the disease They are common obstacles in the healing process.

It is important that patients recognize both conditions and participate in their management. However, not being aware of one or both ailments makes the recovery process even more difficult.

Symptoms of a double pathology

Dual pathology is characterized by a series of common symptoms. In addition to the symptoms of a mental disorder, Patients with dual pathology also experience the detrimental effects of addiction which can lead to:

Diagnostic considerations in dual pathology

When evaluating and diagnosing a patient with dual pathology, it is important that the patient is willing to be treated.

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Dual pathology

In addition to their involvement and participation in the therapeutic process, it is important determine whether the patient recognizes his condition and shows interest and commitment to treatment. Without the patient’s recognition of the problem and lack of commitment, recovery efforts may be in vain.

Interdisciplinary collaboration in dual pathology

Interdisciplinary collaboration plays a fundamental role in the treatment of dual pathologies. According to current scientific evidence, treatment must be adapted to the individual needs of each patient, taking into account a multidisciplinary and coordinated approach. Psychopathological stabilization by psychiatrists and psychologists It is essential to provide a stable basis for the treatment of dual pathology. Adequate continuation of treatment, which includes both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments, requires the participation of health professionals and the constant support of educators and medical personnel.

Comorbidities in dual pathology

Dual pathology is usually associated with comorbidities that complicate diagnosis and treatment. Alcohol and tranquilizers are the most common addictions associated with mental disorders in women and cocaine, heroin and cannabis in men. Additionally, social phobia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), borderline personality disorder, psychosis, and impulsive behavior are more common.

How do we address double pathology at Mentalia?

There are several therapeutic strategies and techniques to address the specific challenges that arise when working with patients with dual pathology. Some of the people we work with at Mentalia Salud are:

Guarantee comprehensive care and provide quality care to a patient suffering from a dual pathology requires good infrastructure in a multidisciplinary team that addresses the complexity of this pathology in different areas, both in addictive behaviors and in other psychopathological disorders.

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Dual pathology: recommendations for early prevention

Some of the recommendations to support prevention and early intervention in people at risk are to establish procedures to support specialized care and adapt mental health services with specific programs, or create them in their absence.

Patients with dual pathology should benefit from adequate universal medical care and have access to treatment programs with continuity of care ensured through an integrated network of services, including general hospitals and treatment centers focused on patients with substance use disorders.

In summary, living with dual pathology can be challenging for both patients and healthcare professionals. For this reason, it is necessary to establish specialized care procedures and provide psychiatry services with specific programs for dual pathology or, failing that, develop them.

At Mentalia Salud we are specialized in the treatment of dual pathologies. Discover our specific programs on our website.