This Is How Psychologists Can Help Pass Exams

Psychologists who help prepare for oppositions

Go through a period of preparation for the oppositions It is usually a complicated challenge to manage. The difficulty of this selection procedure is usually high or very high, and that is why taking these tests means making a significant sacrifice for months or years.

However, in this phase of preparation for the exams we not only have to invest time and effort: we also have to know how to manage it in an efficient and intelligent way, according to our own needs, weaknesses and strengths. That is why, beyond the obligatory study and training sessions, have the services of a psychology professional can be a very useful help.

How can a psychologist help you pass the exams?

It is clear that to successfully complete a series of tests in competitive examinations there are no magic recipes that will make us obtain a place without making an effort. However, beyond that we can make the most of our potential without wasting drops of sweat on methods that don’t work. Psychologists are a great help in this regard.

Below we will see a series of advantages that preparing for the exams under the supervision and guidance of a psychologist can offer.

1. Helps detect strengths and weaknesses

Contrary to what is often believed, the person who knows a person best is not always that same person. There are many aspects of an individual’s abilities and personality characteristics that escape self-consciousness.

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For this reason, people with training and experience in psychological intervention are useful when detecting the psychological characteristics of the person and seeing to what degree they fit with the type of objectives posed by a competitive examination system, to make people give their best. better of themselves starting from the features that make them unique. Each case is different and requires a different model of adaptation to goals.

2. Train in strategies to maintain motivation

Motivation is behind a good part of the successes that we will achieve throughout our lives, and passing through competitive examinations is no exception. And it must be taken into account that Motivation is not something that simply arises from within oneself spontaneously, but depends on our interaction with the context.

Thus, psychologists can train people to motivate themselves to make those efforts that, although they rationally know they should do, for one reason or another these desires are not translated into practice.

3. Helps combat anxiety and rumination

Faced with a study or training process as demanding as the one that precedes passing through competitive exams, it is easy for anxiety to wreak havoc on the health of competitive candidates. Both stress and worry-based recurring ideas that appear again and again in students’ consciousness can, over time, accumulate until significantly damaging your quality of life.

Therefore, being under the supervision of psychologists allows us to have a series of preventive measures so that this point is not reached or, if these types of problems already occur, strategies to treat and combat these psychological phenomena. harmful.

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4. Advice to turn effort into habit

Anyone who has ever gone through a demanding selection process knows that, compared to the first days of studying, the preparation routines of the second week and beyond They are much easier to deal with and so on progressively.

The first steps are always the most complicated, because in that preparation phase the habit has not yet been developed. It is even possible that if this study dynamic is undertaken incorrectly, never dedicate the necessary daily hours to preparation to reach the objectives, which has increasingly detrimental effects as time goes by and there are fewer days to have everything ready.

Psychologists help the discipline move from theory to facts in the people who come to them to prepare for exams, since they jointly develop study or training plans and schedules with their clients that they at the same time monitor to ensure that are fulfilled. If problems arise, they will look for the best possible solution.

5. They train in mnemonic techniques

Contrary to popular belief, the ability to memorize information is not something fundamentally immutable, but rather can be trained to spectacular extremes.

Thanks to mnemonic techniques it is possible to memorize more in less time, which is especially useful in tests based on demonstrating theoretical knowledge.

How to seek advice?


There are several psychology centers that offer specialized services for candidates who want to prepare in the best possible conditions. UPAD Psychology and Coaching, located in Madrid, is one of them. Work on attention management techniques personal motivation, preparation in decision-making aimed at objectives, high performance training… All the fronts that the candidates must cover are dealt with by their team, with extensive experience in this field.

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On the other hand, it must be taken into account that psychology centers that focus on offering treatments for mental disorders or relational problems do not have to offer this type of services, given that the nature of an opponent’s need in regards to Your test preparation is very different. For this reason, attention must be paid to offering psychological intervention aimed at competitive contexts or personal training aimed at going through selection processes.