How Narcissists Age

How narcissists age

Narcissists often age with difficulty, as the loss of physical attractiveness and social power can intensify their insecurity and defensive behaviors. Additionally, a lack of deep, meaningful relationships throughout your life can lead to greater isolation and bitterness in old age.

Narcissists adopt intelligent and effective strategies that allow them to carry out any purpose, even if they no longer have the same strength as before. To avoid major problems in contact with any of them, it is necessary that we have correct information about how to deal with complex situations. In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about how narcissists age.

How the narcissist behaves as he ages

First of all, we must understand some qualities that represent narcissistic people. First of all, they have a exaggerated valuation of his image body in front of the environment that surrounds them, which allows them to show themselves in certain social situations without any type of modesty or shame.

This leads to behaviors that can be hostile and arrogant because they minimize those closest to them. In this sense, they are iimpervious to constructive criticism and they do not usually accept comments that disparage their attitudes. However, we must know that narcissism is a mental health disorder that hides personal insecurities that must be worked on in depth.

Over time, narcissists can experience a loss of beauty and physical health. They may lack the resources to deal with the discomfort they feel and express hostile feelings about life. Consequently, the narcissist may turn to desperate attempts to regain control on other people through persistent manipulations, denial of reality, contempt for social situations and mental health problems.

Do narcissists change when they get older?

If we take into account the most frequent emotions, thoughts and behaviors of narcissists, they may change their personality a little. However, it is a clinical condition that does not have a cure that allows a complete remission of the symptoms. Beyond the fact that age and the passage of time are an uncontrollable variable that cannot be modified, the truth is that it is difficult to think of a radical change.

As a result of this, many people can accentuate negative traits such as resentment, lack of involvement in the face of criticism, absence of personal reflection and greater resistance to the changes that occur in the course of daily life.

Although the general criteria that arise in narcissistic people is the one we have mentioned in the previous paragraph, There may be some exceptions to the rule. In other words, there is a certain probability that a person with developed levels of empathy and elaborate self-criticism can change as they age. However, this is not usually the most common.

How Narcissists Age - Do Narcissists Change When They Get Old?

How to Deal with an Aging Narcissist

Despite the problems that can arise in relationships with this type of personality, there are some tips that we can put into practice to avoid negative consequences. In this way, we will have an idea of ​​possible maneuvers that they adopt. Next, we’ll tell you how to deal with an aging narcissist:

  • Set limits: Having clarity in the words we use can be a key element in not giving in to manipulations that may develop. In this sense, it is necessary to sustain any idea that we have raised over time so that narcissists do not try to obtain a benefit.
  • Reduce contact: Whenever possible, exchanging a few words is preferable to forging a lasting relationship. As we have mentioned before, these are people who have great difficulties in reflecting and adopting a critical stance.
  • Go to psychological therapy: In the event that one’s own emotions, behaviors and thoughts cause problems in daily life, it is advisable to begin psychological treatment. A specialized mental health professional can provide the tools necessary to avoid problems. At the same time, therapy invites personal reflection and allows the discharge of accumulated tensions.
  • Promote self-care: Although any person ages and loses certain health conditions, we should not confuse this with a sincere request for help from narcissists. To avoid falling into traps, it is necessary to develop personal care for one’s emotions. In this way, we will have a realistic perspective of the demands of this type of people.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing House.
  • De la Hoz Espinosa, L. (2020). How do you become a narcissist? Origins of narcissism in children and adolescents. Comillas Pontifical University, Faculty of Psychology.
  • Trechera, JL Millán Vásquez de la Torre, G., Fernández Morales, E. (2008). Empirical study of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Acta Colombiana de Psicología Magazine, 11 (2), 25-36.

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