How To Create Leadership In Groups And Teams, In 8 Key Ideas

How to create leadership

Leadership is an ingredient capable of making the potential of a group of people take a qualitative leap. It is not just about coordinating and promoting cooperation between the members of a group. In addition, you have to motivate, set an example, make sure that the work method does not waste efforts, etc.

In this article we will see several key ideas about how to create leadership in situations where this role is required.

How to create leadership in a group

Although leadership is a complex phenomenon, fortunately it is possible to learn to be a leader. In the next lines we will see the fundamental ideas from which we must start to begin to adopt the role of leader.

1. Don’t appeal to authority

The fact of justifying one’s own leadership based only on one’s own supposed authority, in most cases, It only takes away credibility from whoever does it.

This is because leadership is not something that is held as one might have an object, but rather it is something that is exercised; It is demonstrated by what is done and what is said. Furthermore, in this way that authority is not seen as something imposed and artificial.

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The only time it is necessary to appeal to authority is when it is very clear that there is nothing to discuss and everyone can see very clearly that continuing to question a decision only serves to waste valuable time.

2. Perfect your communication skills

Communication is essential to be a leader. Misunderstandings and lack of transparency are dysfunctional for cooperation and collective work.

Therefore, it is necessary to polish both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication. Which brings us to the next idea.

3. Don’t assume that the other knows what you know

Each person has their skills and competencies, but they also have their blind spots in terms of knowledge. Therefore, it is important to think about each moment in the information that other people have or do not have when communicating with them.

4. Don’t confuse leadership with pride

Many people, when they think about the concept of leader, associate it with the idea of ​​pride. However, this is a mistake for several reasons, and one of them is that Leadership only makes sense in the context of the group, which is why it is necessary for several people to participate in a group or team so that there is the possibility of there being a leader. The latter needs others, but not all groups need a leader.

5. Don’t use the group as therapy

A leader is important for the group because he is closely linked to common objectives. Consequently, he cannot abuse the authority that other people grant him to alleviate tensions by creating conflicts with people who are in his charge. This, In addition to being unethical, it is very harmful to the whole.

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6. Make sure there are always goals to achieve

All parts of an organization or group must move according to specific objectives to achieve. If this is not the case, stagnation will appear and it is even very possible that parts of the group leave due to lack of motivation and incentives in general.

7. Practice assertiveness

When learning the steps on how to be a leader, it is essential to fully adopt an assertive communication style. That is, having the ability to respect others at all times, and at the same time defend the appropriateness of the decisions one has made.

This is because some people, in order not to displease, do not communicate certain problems related to the work done by a person or several members of the organization, so that these weaknesses become chronic. There is no need to avoid slightly uncomfortable moments as long as everything is a torrent of continuous praise. If someone makes mistakes, he must communicate.

8. Explain the why of things

It is important that everyone understands the logic behind a leader’s decisions. This is because the appearance of arbitrariness in leadership greatly erodes the leader’s authority, even when what he or she does technically makes sense and is effective in advancing toward a joint goal.

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