How Imposter Syndrome Affects Women

How imposter syndrome affects women

Imposter syndrome can limit women’s professional growth and success due to the gender stereotypes and cultural barriers they must face throughout their lives. Sometimes, some women apply for job positions and believe they are deceiving their potential bosses and colleagues. In this sense, they feel the urgent need to demonstrate achievements, but at the same time guilt for believing that they do not meet expectations. Although this may be a psychological fear that runs through the vast majority of human beings, the main point lies in understanding when it starts to be a considerable problem. There is a pathology linked to these ideas that requires being explored in depth to dispel doubts that arise in this regard.

In this PsychologyFor article we explain How impostor syndrome affects women.

Why impostor syndrome affects women more than men

Beyond the fact that it is necessary to study each case in depth, one of the main reasons why imposter syndrome affects women more than men is due to the upbringing they have received for much of their lives. Unlike women, many men have been raised through the imposture of achieving goals and excel in competitive environments in life. Over time, this quality moves into the workplace and gives rise to recognitions that are sought in various situations.

Impostor syndrome is a mental pathology that is characterized by insecurity related to presenting oneself to the world. This can include the work, family, social and/or love sphere since it can unfold in any situation of daily life. Nevertheless, It is usually more common at work since it is where the image that the person provides to the outside is most at stake.

But how does imposter syndrome affect women at work? Although this may vary depending on each case, there is a generalized idea of women have the internal mandate not to stand out in a shared environment. For this same reason, difficulties may arise in accepting work challenges, achievements or achieved objectives, among others.

Examples of imposter syndrome in women

Although this idea may be a bit abstract, it is possible to envision situations in which the concept we are developing applies. Some examples of how imposter syndrome manifests in women include:

  • Emergence of doubts about one’s own image that is projected outwards.
  • Impossibility of establishing logical reasons that account for success in areas such as work, family, friendships and love.
  • Feeling inferior in terms of capabilities with respect to other people.
  • Fear of negative qualities becoming visible that reflect the woman as an imposter.

How Impostor Syndrome Affects Women – Examples of Imposter Syndrome in Women

Consequences of imposter syndrome in women

Possessing this type of condition can have various negative effects on a person’s life. Below we show you what the consequences of imposter syndrome in women are:

  • Loss of motivation.
  • Lack of interest in activities of daily living.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Negative thoughts about one’s own person.
  • Inability to enjoy achievements obtained.
  • Need for insulation.

First of all, it is important to have a diagnosis prepared by a mental health professional to confirm that the person has imposter syndrome and find the best treatment for each particular case.

How to treat imposter syndrome in women

Despite the complexities of this condition, there are currently various approaches that improve the quality of life of women with imposter syndrome. In this section you will find the most effective resources to treat imposter syndrome in women:

Psychological therapy

The consultations with a mental health professional specialized in the treatment of emotions, behaviors and thoughts that appear in specific situations, they are essential to understand how to put together strategies to deal with them in a more enjoyable way.

Among the most important brief psychological therapies are cognitive-behavioral therapy and systemic therapy. On the other hand, in the case of long-term therapies, psychoanalysis is positioned as the most effective alternative.

Psychiatric medication

In extreme cases, if the presence of the symptoms of imposter syndrome prevents the correct development of daily activities and generates risks for the woman’s life, the supply of psychiatric medications may be a necessary alternative.

However, the intake of psychiatric medication must be supervised by a mental health professional.

How Impostor Syndrome Affects Women - How to Treat Impostor Syndrome in Women

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How imposter syndrome affects women we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Breeur, R. (2018). The imposter as a parody of the absolute. Utopia and Praxis Latin American Magazine, 25 (80), 79-89.
  • Cadoche, E., De Montarlot, A. (2020). The impostor syndrome. Paris: Peninsula Editions.

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