Why Am I Always Thinking That Something Is Wrong With Me And How To Stop It?

Why am I always thinking that something is wrong with me and how to stop it?

At times, thoughts can become our worst enemies and our imagination can reach ideas that do not correspond to events that happen in reality. How many times have we thought that some discomfort had taken hold of us for no apparent reason? Have you heard someone you know talk about catastrophic scenarios without there being any indication of it? Do you know someone who always hurts something? It is clear that there is a general tendency to think that there are harmful causes in the body that can affect us deeply. However, there are some methods and solutions that can help us counteract this condition and live life more peacefully.

In this PsychologyFor article we will provide you with information about Why am I always thinking that there is something wrong with me and how to stop it.

Why am I always thinking there’s something wrong with me?

Why do I feel sick every day? There are several causes associated with the belief that something is wrong with a person. Each case is different and there will be noticeable modifications in the ways of feeling, thinking and acting in the face of possible scenarios. To provide greater clarity to the topic, below we leave you the most frequent causes that are linked to always thinking that something is wrong with you:

Traumatic experiences

Memories play a fundamental role in understanding a person’s current ideas and thoughts. Yeah There have previously been serious illnesses that represented a profound discomfort for those who have experienced them, it is possible that the belief that a condition may reappear may persist.

This can occur without there being any biological factor that gives consistency to the situation.


Hypochondria is a mental disorder characterized by fear and concern that some unfavorable health event will develop of the person. The main characteristic of this disorder is that these ideas arise without any real physical discomfort occurring. For example, thinking that you have cancer at any slightest sign.

These fixed thoughts cause stress and anxiety for the person. In relation to this topic, you may also be interested in the article I am obsessed that I am going to have a heart attack, why and what to do?

Why am I always thinking that I have something wrong and how to stop it - Why am I always thinking that I have something wrong

If you think a lot about an illness, can it give you?

There is an intimate relationship between the body and the thoughts that pass through a person’s mind. In other words, the fact of thinking about catastrophic and/or unfavorable scenarios usually causes a weakening which causes a fall in the body’s defenses. When this happens, certain pathogens such as viruses or bacteria can more easily access the body and cause various diseases.

For this reason, we could conclude that thinking a lot about an illness can be a predisposing factor to contract diseases. However, this does not mean that all people who have this modality will get sick, since other aspects such as age, sex, genetic background, pre-existing diseases, among others, come into play here.

Why am I always thinking that I have something wrong and how to stop it - If you think a lot about an illness, can it give you?

How to stop thinking that I have a serious illness

Despite the complexities caused by repetitive and incessant thoughts about illnesses, there are methods that enable physical and mental relaxation. In turn, the resources adopted can lead to an improvement in the quality of life. Next, we will explain how to stop thinking that I have a serious illness:

  • Perform psychological therapy: Therapy is a space that invites reflection on aspects of daily life that can trigger various problems and affect mental health. In these cases, the mental health professional provides tools to stop these thoughts and replace them with others.
  • Change the focus of attention: This technique has as its starting point looking for external stimuli and redirecting attention towards them. In this way, it is possible to minimize negative thoughts.
  • reality check: As we mentioned above, worries are usually fantasies that a person experiences in their daily lives. One of the best alternatives is to corroborate in reality if there is a real condition. In global terms, concerns do not usually have an organic basis.
  • Write your present: People tend to be aware of their past and future but underestimate the value of the present. Taking into consideration the person’s life goals at the current time will give them greater importance.

In this article you will find more information about How to overcome the fear of diseases.

Why am I always thinking that I have something wrong and how to stop it - How to stop thinking that I have a serious illness

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why am I always thinking that something is wrong with me and how to stop it? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Arnaez, S., García-Soriano, G., Belloch, A. (2019). Dysfunctional beliefs in hypochondria: A family study. Anales de Psicología Magazine, 35 (1), 19-25.

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