Is It Possible To Feel Alone Surrounded By People?

Is it possible to feel alone surrounded by people?

Who hasn’t felt alone when attending a massive event full of people? Everyday life constantly tests us with social events such as gatherings of friends, work parties, university events or family lunches. However, physical company does not always mean that you feel accompanied and sometimes we may simply seek it to fill feelings of sadness, anguish and uncertainty.

If you want to know more about this topic, in this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about whether It is possible to feel alone surrounded by people why it happens and how to overcome this situation and feel better about yourself.

Can you be surrounded by people and feel alone?

Loneliness is an emotional state that is associated with depression, which manifests itself as a result of situations experienced in the past that have caused suffering. Thus, it is necessary to clarify that the perception of Loneliness is not linked to the physical presence or absence of other people since it is possible to maintain a state of well-being despite not being surrounded by a social environment.

In this sense, you can be surrounded by people and feel alone, since they are qualities that go through different paths. Furthermore, the type of company you have at social gatherings is crucial, since sharing a moment with trusted people will not have the same effect as with a group of people you have just met.

Why do I feel alone when I’m surrounded by people?

The perception of loneliness can be present despite being with other people, but why do I feel alone if I am surrounded by people? The explanation for this situation lies in the fact that the emotions, thoughts and behaviors of each person have an impact on their emotional state.

Thus, the experiences you have experienced in your life can cause you to feel alone surrounded by people, specifically, those that are linked to the following factors:

  • Lack of empathy: Lack of understanding about yourself often increases the feeling of loneliness when you are with a group of people. Furthermore, empathy is the quality that allows us to understand the feelings of others, putting ourselves in the other’s position in a certain situation.
  • Lack of active listening: The feeling of loneliness also manifests itself when you do not listen to what others say. In turn, this is directly related to an inability to understand others.
  • Distressing experiences: Traumatic life experiences cause levels of anguish that lead to the feeling of feeling alone surrounded by people. For this reason, resorting to social gatherings is not usually an effective tool to combat loneliness.

Is it possible to feel alone surrounded by people? - Why do I feel alone if I am surrounded by people?

How to overcome feeling alone when you are surrounded by people

Now that we have seen that it is possible to be surrounded by people and feel alone, you should know that there are also ways to cope with this type of situation and to stop feeling like this. Next, we’ll show you how to overcome feeling alone when you’re surrounded by people:

  • Psychological therapy: The first step to stop feeling alone around people is to identify why you feel that way. One of the most effective ways is psychological therapy, as it allows us to address the origin of the conflict. Among the best-known psychotherapeutic approaches are cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis.
  • Meditation: Sometimes, emotional loneliness arises when thoughts play tricks on us. Meditation is a practice that helps relax the mind and avoid personal conflicts. By practicing diaphragmatic breathing, you can achieve a lasting state of tranquility.
  • Practice hobbies: Recreational activities are an excellent tool to overcome the feeling of loneliness in social encounters. Sports and art allow us to strengthen social ties through self-knowledge in moments of leisure.
  • Write: Bringing out internal sensations helps reduce the intensity of loneliness. When you put into words what happens to you, it is possible to change the point of view you had about the same situation.
  • Face the situation: There are those who often resort to distraction methods to avoid feeling alone surrounded by people, however, this does not solve the problem. Facing the situation and understanding that one’s own company is the most important thing is relieving.
  • Choose new projects: Loneliness is a state that recreates itself in events of the past and present. For this reason, if you don’t know what to do when you feel alone, you should keep in mind that it is important to relaunch yourself in life with new projects to face the future. Innovative ideas give rise to accompaniment that improves the quality of the present moment.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Barbenza, M., Montoya, P. (1991). The feeling of loneliness. Its relationship with Eysenck’s personality factors. Latin American Journal of Psychology, 23 (1), 101-111.

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