10 Celebrities Who Have Resorted To Hypnosis, And Their Reasons

Celebrities and hypnosis

Over the years hypnosis has helped thousands of people. In fact, at the beginning of the 19th century it was even used in a way similar to anesthesia to perform surgical interventions, and today hypnoanalgesia continues to be used, especially to relieve pain caused by chronic diseases.

Clinical hypnosis is also effective in managing addictions, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and phobias. However, the areas of application of hypnosis are immense, they are not restricted to the clinical area. In fact, famous people have also used it.

Hollywood and hypnosis

In Hollywood, for example, it is a fairly common practice; Actors not only use hypnosis to deal with psychological problems but also to improve their acting abilities. Hypnosis helps them detach themselves from the characters they play, assuming an emotional distance that is essential when the story is too turbulent and negative. When actors play a character, they enter a kind of hypnotic trance, through which they shed part of their personality to get into another skin. In these cases, hypnosis not only helps them interpret the role better but also allows them to keep their psychological integrity safe.

Others turn to hypnosis to deal with the pressure of conflict between who they really are and what others expect them to be. Hypnosis too helps them manage anxiety and stress which usually generates such a competitive world, while allowing them to stay focused.

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10 celebrities who have resorted to hypnosis

Actors are not the only ones who resort to hypnosis. Athletes, politicians and even great scientists also take advantage of it. In fact, both Henry Ford and Thomas Edison are said to have undergone hypnosis sessions. And this technique is not only used to modify some behaviors and relieve stress but also to maximize performance and eliminate unconscious obstacles that hinder our potential.

Fascinating or, at the very least, surprising stories often hide behind successful people. The path of celebrities has not always been a bed of roses, so it is understandable that at certain times they need additional help to overcome certain obstacles or to let all their talent flow. Therefore, it is not surprising that many have used hypnosis. Let’s look at several examples.

1. Matt Damon

The winner of an Oscar for the screenplay of the film “Will Hunting” has resorted to hypnosis to quit smoking. And he does not hide it, in a television program he publicly acknowledged that “using hypnosis was the best decision of my life.”

2. Jackie Kennedy Onassis

His life was marked by tragedy. In fact, her marriage to John F. Kennedy was not exactly a fairy tale but was full of ups and downs, to which was added his tragic death. Hypnosis helped the former first lady of the United States to manage the most traumatic events from your past.

3. Tony Curtis

This prolific actor, inextricably linked to the film “In Skirts and Crazy Things,” needed to resort to hypnosis to overcome his fear of flying. He later used this technique to improve his acting skills.

4. Sylvester Stallone

The actor felt that his career was at a standstill and, On the recommendation of friends, he visited a hypnotherapist. From those sessions came the idea of ​​“Rocky”, a script that he wrote in just six months using self-hypnosis as a tool to enhance creativity and increase self-confidence.

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5. Bruce Willis

As a child, the protagonist of “Die Hard” was mocked and bullied by his classmates because he suffered from a stutter. Later, when he became interested in acting, he underwent psychotherapy and hypnosis helped him overcome his language disorder.

6. Albert Einstein

It is known that the physicist underwent hypnosis practically every afternoon, with the aim of developing your ideas and stimulating creativity. In fact, it is also stated that the Theory of Relativity emerged precisely in a hypnotic trance.

7. Charlize Theron

The South African actress and model turned to hypnosis to quit smoking. She confessed that since that moment she has led a much healthier life and that she has embarked on a path of personal rediscovery.

8. Winston Churchill

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was under enormous pressure during World War II. He then used post-hypnotic suggestions to stay awake during long nights and avoid fatigue.

9. Tiger Woods

The American golfer uses hypnosis to block distractions and enhance concentration on the golf course. He has acknowledged that he uses this technique frequently to “stay in the zone” and improve his performance, along with NLP and visualization.

10. Lily Allen

The English singer has used hypnosis to lose weight. In fact, she has lost 3 dress sizes. In this case, hypnosis was used to get him to practice healthier lifestyle habits.

Hypnosis treatments in Spain: why is it so important to go to a professional?

Hypnosis is a very effective technique to treat different problems, achieve positive changes in lifestyle and rediscover inner balance. By providing access to the unconscious, it allows problems to be worked on from a deeper level and changes do not take long to appear, with less effort on the part of the person. In fact, hypnosis is a particularly useful tool for shortening the duration of treatment and promote therapeutic adherence. This also means that it should not be used in isolation but rather integrated into a therapeutic process that includes other techniques.

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Unfortunately, the circus halo that has surrounded hypnosis over the years has led many people to use this technique without having the necessary preparation. The statistics on professional intrusion in this area are truly chilling, since it is estimated that around 70% of people who practice hypnosis are not actually accredited to practice it.

However, it is essential that people understand that knowledge of hypnosis does not qualify anyone to use it. Hypnosis is not a dangerous technique, but when not applied by professionals, it can have an iatrogenic effect. What cures or liberates is not the hypnotic state itself, but the suggestions that are made, so it is essential that the professional have a deep knowledge of the human mind. Therefore, before undergoing a hypnosis session, it is necessary to make sure that the professional is part of an official college, be it Psychology or Psychiatry.

At El Prado Psychologists we have a team of psychologists who have extensive experience in the therapeutic use of this technique, both to treat problems such as anxiety, phobias and psychosomatic illnesses and to help people find more creative solutions or simply to improve self-knowledge and lead a fuller life.