What Is Emotional Numbness And How To Overcome It

What is emotional numbness and how to overcome it

There are certain emotions that can cause deep wear and tear on the body and mind. The daily routine, the obligations, the stress we experience, the conflicts that arise with other people and the unpleasantness can generate unpleasant sensations that last over time. From one moment to the next, you feel that the world is not a habitable place and that incomprehension has taken over you or that the social relationships that previously generated well-being no longer produce the same effect, so you begin to isolate yourself from everyone. Given this, a large number of questions may arise, such as: Do I have any reason to be in this state? How is it possible that you feel this disconnection? Does it only happen to me? These questions could be present in the mind of a person who has lost the ability to connect with their emotions.

In this PsychologyFor article we explain What is emotional numbness and how to overcome it.

What is emotional numbness

Emotional numbness is a problem linked to inability to connect with emotions that arise in certain social and family contexts in a person’s life. This state corresponds to a distancing from stimuli that can generate various sensations in the body and mind.

From a clinical point of view, emotional numbness can be placed within a diagnosis called depersonalization or derealization disorder due to its characteristics. However, in order to prepare this table, it is necessary that a series of conditions be met. diagnostic criteria specific:

  • Unstable perception of reality.
  • Sensation of living outside the episodes that occur in reality.
  • Deterioration of family relationships labor and social.
  • Duration of six months or more.
  • The alterations cannot be explained by the presence of any other mental disorder or by the ingestion of toxic substances or medications.

Symptoms of emotional numbness

In order to be able to treat emotional numbness, it is important to know the main symptoms that occur in these cases. We show them to you below:

  • Distancing with respect to other people.
  • Disconnection from situations that involve feelings.
  • Lack of affection.
  • Social isolation.
  • Apathy.
  • Fatigue.
  • Unwillingness.

It should be noted that the presence of any of these symptoms in isolation does not necessarily represent a picture of emotional numbness. For this reason, it is essential that the diagnosis be carried out by a mental health professional who evaluates the specific characteristics of each patient.

What is emotional numbness and how to overcome it - Symptoms of emotional numbness

Causes of emotional numbness

Taking into consideration the possible origins of emotional numbness can provide us with valuable information to develop strategies according to each case. Below, we explain the most frequent causes associated with this disorder:

Environmental factors

During the course of life, they may appear situations that cause considerable emotional stress. These moments cause a relevant impact with respect to emotional perception.

However, it should be considered that the perception and intensity of each situation will depend on the specific characteristics of each person. In other words, the severity will be determined by the interpretation of the event that is carried out.

Genetic factors

On some occasions, the genetic predisposition It plays a fundamental role in people’s emotional processing. In this way, if one of the parents has been diagnosed with this clinical condition, there is a high probability that the person will have the same presentation.

Examples of emotional numbness

In order to better understand this concept, here are some hypothetical examples of emotional numbness:

  1. A man is at a social gathering in which a celebration is taking place that brings joy and enthusiasm. However, it is possible that this person does not show any emotion and appears indifferent to the event that occurred.
  2. A woman has learned of the death of a loved one. Faced with this unforeseen event, she chooses to isolate herself from those closest to her and maintains a prudent distance.

How to overcome emotional numbness

Beyond the unfavorable consequences caused by emotional numbness, there are ways that allow an improvement in a person’s quality of life. Next, we show you the most effective methods to overcome emotional numbness:

Psychological therapy

Have a therapeutic space makes it possible to work on emotions. In this way, strategies are put into play that allow us to cope with these physical and bodily sensations in a healthier way.

The main objective of going to therapy is for the person to identify and connect with their feelings throughout the journey of their life.

Psychiatric medication

On the other hand, in cases with considerable severity, the use of psychiatric medications may be another viable option. However, it is necessary that this type of medication is always supplied under the supervision of a professional.

What is emotional numbness and how to overcome it - How to overcome emotional numbness

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is emotional numbness and how to overcome it we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.
  • Cruzado, L., Núñez-Moscoso, P., Rojas-Rojas, G. (2013). Depersonalization: more than a symptom, a syndrome. Journal of Neuro-Psychiatry, 76 (2), 120-125.

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