How To Adapt To Retirement: 6 Tips

Adjusting to retirement

Retirement is one of the stages of life that, if not well managed at the beginning, can produce some forms of discomfort or even a true life crisis. In some ways, it’s understandable; After having spent a good part of one’s existence dedicating time, resources and effort to maintaining a life project based on the fruits of one’s own work, it is difficult to begin to live beyond the professional sphere. In this article we will see several tips on how to adapt to retirement in the best possible way squeezing all its potential and discovering several positive aspects of this vital phase that could have gone unnoticed.

Tips on how to adjust to retirement

Before continuing reading, you should keep in mind that finding satisfaction in the retirement stage does not simply consist of modifying our attitudes, customs and beliefs; In short, it does not depend only on whether we transform ourselves psychologically. It also depends on the resources we have access to and, especially, whether you have a support network, whether based on your own family or friends.

Therefore, it is worth remembering that loneliness and isolation, as well as poverty, are elements that do not depend only on oneself, but to which we can react to combat their effects. Being aware of this is useful, because it helps to understand that much of the unhappiness that some older people feel when they retire does not have to depend on the decisions they make. That said, let’s see what are the main guidelines to follow to adapt to retirement.

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1. Accept what you feel

This is the first step, and it is more important than it seems. By itself it doesn’t have to help us feel better, but It is essential to progress. The reason for this is that not doing so would lead us to a dynamic of self-sabotage from which it is difficult to get out. For example, someone who feels bad but does not admit it will avoid at all costs thinking about medium or long-term solutions, and will focus only on immediate objectives, which usually leads to unhealthy lifestyle habits that In the long run they aggravate the situation.

2. Set schedules

One of the most frequent traps that recently retired people fall into is assuming that retirement is just the absence of work and a large part of the responsibilities that had to be attended to years ago. As a consequence, passivity becomes the philosophy of life: spending a lot of time in bed or on the couch, watching television, socializing little, etc.

That is why it is good to act according to the idea that retirement It is not simply something characterized by the lack of paid work, but there must be room for qualitative changes, things that we did not do before because we did not know them or because we did not have enough free time for it. And for this there is nothing like following certain schedules.

Of course, it’s not necessary to make these schedules about life in retirement very detailed; It is enough for them to divide the day into blocks that serve as a reference so as not to waste time.

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3. If you have a partner, talk about it

Many of the problems that arise as a result of the transition to retirement can appear especially in married couples who have been affected by this change without having previously talked about each other’s expectations. If one member of the couple is retiring and the other is not yet, It is good to discuss how the relationship will change ; and if both people become retired, it is necessary to decide which part of the large amount of free time available is going to be shared and which is not.

4. Don’t get lost fantasizing about the past

Older people have a certain propensity to think that “they do not live in their time”, which they believe belongs to the younger generations. This idea may come suddenly with the beginning of retirement, but it is still false. The role of people belonging to the elderly It does not have to be limited to remembering, to living from the past. Everyday life also belongs to them, and it is good that their daily habits are a reflection of this.

5. Learn new things

It is always stimulating to learn self-taught, and retirement is a perfect time for this.

Without having the burden of work to survive, but with the psychological maturity and cultural background of an older person, it is very rewarding to start learning about any topic that is of personal interest. In fact, on the Internet there are interesting proposals that allow access to free courses or educational content.

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6. Take care of yourself

Health problems can easily be transferred to the area of ​​​​psychological problems linked to anxiety and stress. Therefore, it is good to practice moderate exercise, sleep well and eat well.