7 Tips To Overcome Shopping Addiction

Tips to overcome shopping addiction

Shopping addiction is a disorder that occurs exclusively in Western society. Our way of life, based on constant consumerism and life patterns that make us believe that, if we do not have, we are not happy, has a lot to do with the formation of this disorder that, if not treated, can lead to be a problem for the person who suffers from it.

Next, we propose a series of tips you can apply to your life to combat and overcome shopping addiction.

Compulsive shopping addiction: what it is and how it is treated

This disorder is based on uncontrollable desires to buy things that, in general, are not necessary for the person’s life: jewelry, designer clothing, non-basic appliances, accessories, etc. The affected person feels unable to control these impulses, since they generate pleasure and momentarily reduce anxiety and discomfort. This short-term “reward” makes compulsions repetitive.

Although the disorder is known as “addiction,” psychologists do not classify it as an addiction. “Addictive” shopping is related to impulse control disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. This type of disorder follows the same pattern: first, the affected person performs the compulsion to relieve tension and anxiety. Then, once the compulsion is carried out, he feels a momentary relief, which disappears after a while. The anxiety symptoms prior to the compulsive act may then reappear, leading the person to repeat it over and over again.

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shopping addiction

It is quite common for these people to have feelings of guilt after carrying out the compulsion, which reinforces anxiety and establishes a vicious circle that is very harmful to the life of the affected person. He feels that he has no control over her actions, which diminishes her self-concept and can greatly affect her self-esteem.

Tips to overcome shopping addiction

The tips we offer below to overcome shopping addiction should be done in combination with a therapeutic process and as long as they are compatible with the treatment, not on their own.

1. Shopping lists help

Setting specific shopping goals is a great help when it comes to avoiding disorderly purchases. So, before leaving home make sure you carry with you a list of the absolutely necessary items that you need to buy, and try to stick to them as much as possible.

2. Moderate contact with social networks

Social networks are a great showcase where people expose their lives, including what they buy. This is why they are a “dangerous” element in case you have a compulsion to buy.

Besides, Companies that sell through the Internet increasingly have more resources to know our tastes, so a simple “click” on a page can give many clues about what we want. For a person with a shopping addiction, this can be highly harmful, since it represents a continuous temptation. Therefore, try to limit the hours you spend connected to the network.

3. Choose “closer” stores

By “close” we mean typical neighborhood stores, which use much less aggressive marketing when offering their products. If you go to a shopping center, for example, it will be much more difficult for you to resist, since these types of establishments are a constant call to consumerism. If you suffer from shopping addiction, we recommend that you avoid these types of centers, as well as large shopping avenues.

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4. Don’t go shopping without having eaten first; not even if you feel very sad

If you go shopping while feeling hungry, you will be more susceptible to compulsive buying. At least, this is what several studies show, so it is better that you go to the stores after the main meals of the day.

Another of the worst times to go to a store is when we feel sad or overwhelmed. In these circumstances, we are much more vulnerable to falling into compulsion, so avoid going out shopping during times of emotional “down.”

5. Try to live as healthy a life as possible

Like any other compulsive disorder, shopping addiction is linked to high levels of stress and anxiety. Try to lead a healthy life: eat healthy, nutritious foods, follow meal and sleep schedules, and get the necessary sleep to give your body and mind the rest it needs.

Sport is also a very good resource to lower anxiety levels. The release of endorphins during intense sports helps relax your muscles and cancel out negative emotions. Relaxation techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing or exercises such as yoga and meditation, can also help you a lot.

6. Talk to others about your disorder

It has been proven that keeping things to ourselves has harmful effects on our mental health. Human beings need to express what hurts and worries them; Yes, he ensures that it is with the right people. Not everyone around you is qualified to understand what you feel, so talk to people with whom you have real trust and with whom you feel comfortable expressing yourself.

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Of course, this is not mandatory and you have every right to keep it to yourself and your therapist. However, sharing your experience with close people can help you feel supported and loved, a very beneficial experience for your therapeutic process.

7. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall into the compulsion again

Remember that, in the event that you fall into purchasing an unnecessary item, you should not focus on blaming yourself for what happened and treating yourself as if you were a person you despise. Addictions cannot be faced as a sign of “weakness” in moral terms, nor lack of willpower; If they are a problem, it is precisely because they lock us in on ourselves and expose us to situations in which we lose control; That is why it is important to go to therapy and have professional help. It is clear that we must try by all means to avoid relapse, but if it happens, it is more important to learn from our mistakes than to torment ourselves.

Little by little and with the help of your therapist you will be able to reduce compulsions, which will strengthen your self-esteem and help you with the therapeutic process.

Do you want to start a therapy process for addiction?

If you want to overcome shopping addiction or any other disorder linked to dependency on certain actions, contact us.

In RECAL Clinic We specialize in the treatment of addictive disorders.