How To Overcome An Addiction: 5 Tips And Steps To Follow

How to overcome an addiction

It is true that as societies advance and new technologies emerge, new ways of developing an addiction also appear. Luckily, it is also true that in recent decades the degree of sensitivity towards this type of problem has increased, and more and more people are They consider how to overcome an addiction, instead of just suffering from it for the rest of their lives.

Because no, addictive disorder is not one of those diseases that are impossible to stop and for which there is no type of cure; Nowadays there are ways to turn the page and stop being an addicted person. Although yes, in some cases it is a very complex process, and it is always recommended to do it with professional help.

In this sense, let’s see how to get out of this vicious circle of withdrawal and relapses.

Tips to overcome an addiction effectively and safely

These are the key guidelines and ideas you should know if you are suffering from an addictive disorder and are determined to put an end to it quickly.

1. Assume that you will have to learn to manage anxiety

There is no completely comfortable and easy way to overcome an addiction: you will have to go through withdrawal syndrome and deal with unpleasant sensations to a greater or lesser extent.

Having this clear from the beginning is very important so as not to get frustrated and not fall into apparent “therapies” that are a scam. And, on the other hand, knowing this reality is a good start to prepare the ground: since you will go through a few weeks in which you will face a challenge, it is good that you make things easier for yourself and put yourself in a context that does not expose you to unnecessary sources of stress and anguish ; Although yes, set a clear deadline to prevent this from becoming an excuse to never take the step and postpone it indefinitely.

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Overcome an addiction

For example, if you usually frequent a place where drugs are used without any type of health supervision, start by nipping that routine in the bud and, immediately afterwards, apply the following advice.

2. Go to therapy

It is always advisable to seek the services of health professionals when overcoming an addiction; and In the case of illegal hard drugs and alcohol, it is essential.

Furthermore, remember that some drug addictions are especially dangerous because abruptly stopping the consumption of these substances generates very intense health problems and there is even a risk of cardiorespiratory arrest, as is the case with benzodiazepines and barbiturates. This means that trying to stop taking them without medical supervision is potentially fatal. Fortunately, in the context of therapy, this risk can be controlled.

3. Modify your habits after the detox stage

In the case of drug addiction, the process of overcoming the addictive disorder does not end when the body has eliminated the last remains of the substance that remained in the body; We must reorganize our habits to get as far away as possible from the risk of relapse.

If you are having the help of the professionals at an addiction center, they will help you discover the type of activities that will help you reconnect with a healthy lifestyle and hobbies away from the world of addiction; If you do it on your own, you will have to invest time and effort in getting to know yourself better and explore ways to fill your daily life with motivating activities that help develop the ability to get involved in stimulating, exciting, and healthy projects.

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4. Talk about your progress with your loved ones

If you express what you feel during the process of overcoming addiction and normalize conversations about it with friends and family, you will have more elements that will motivate you to move forward (see how others are encouraged by seeing you better) and at the same time you will strengthen those bonds. .

For example, it has been seen that the fact of feel less alone and be able to talk about what is happening to them makes patients suffering from addiction more likely to complete treatment. Even very damaged relationships can be repaired if there is real commitment and interest in defeating the addictive disorder. On the other hand, the more taboo there is around this topic, the more complicated it is to move forward.

5. Don’t punish yourself: take care of yourself

Some addicted people make the mistake of trying to overcome addiction by punishing themselves for the lifestyle they have led, that is, through suffering. This is totally counterproductive, since it is a way of preparing the person themselves to relapse and blame themselves for what happened, maintaining the role of a person who deserves the discomfort they suffer.

The solution is in the opposite direction: taking care of yourself physically and mentally makes the individual better prepared for face the discomfort of keeping the temptation to relapse at bay, among other things, because you will be less vulnerable to stress and anxiety and will feel more motivated not to waste the progress made in terms of your appearance, your well-being, etc. Therefore, sleeping enough hours, eating well and exercising regularly is necessary.

The importance of seeking treatment as soon as possible

Addictions are part of the most harmful pathologies because they not only wear down the physical and mental health of the person, but also contribute to damaging their social relationships and making daily life limited to the drug or the action towards which they are committed. has developed a dependency. Ultimately, those who suffer from an addictive disorder are increasingly linked to the need to satisfy that need that has arisen through the routines of dependency; The more months that pass, the more the disease will consolidate and the higher priority it will have to manage withdrawal.

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The latter makes many addicted people feel that they have lost control of their lives and that they can only limit themselves to trying not to feel very bad in the short term, which means neglecting their health and self-care tasks, damaging their family ties and of friendship in order to have enough money to maintain the addiction, etc.

In other words, The individual finds himself in a state of increasingly worse health, greater loneliness, and fewer resources to try to take back the reins of his life. And due to the phenomenon of tolerance, these relapse experiences will need to be increasingly intense (for example, consuming a greater amount of the drug to feel the same effect) and more frequent.

On the other hand, we must keep in mind the danger that drug use can have for those around the addicted person. Furthermore, the one that has a higher degree of risk for third parties is one of the most widespread and normalized: alcohol, which is associated with traffic accidents, a greater probability of facilitating episodes of domestic violence, and more.

In short, it is essential to set the goal of overcoming the addiction you are suffering as soon as possible, and give it all the importance it deserves, without giving in to the trap of “leaving it for another day”. If you are in this situation and want to start detoxification and psychotherapy treatment as soon as possible to avoid relapses, contact our team.

At CITA Clinics we specialize in this type of pathology and we can help you both from the outpatient care service and from income-based treatment in our residential module.