Is EMDR Therapy For Me?

EMDR therapy is for me

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy ) is an effective and widely researched method of psychotherapy, which uses bilateral stimulation to generate positive changes in the nervous system.

Where does EMDR therapy come from?

This method of therapy was discovered by Francine Shapiro in 1987 by chance when she was walking in a park and realized that some disturbing thoughts she was having at the time had disappeared. Following this fact, she began to investigate the causes and related it to the eye movements she had made.

After numerous and in-depth investigations, it was concluded that eye movements produce bilateral stimulation of the brain, which has positive effects. The procedure through eye movements is the most researched, although it has subsequently also been shown that bilateral stimulation can be produced tactilely or auditorily. One of the characteristics that this bilateral stimulation must have is that it has to be alternating so that the brain activates one hemisphere and the other.

This bilateral stimulation causes a series of beneficial effects such as, for example, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and causing the brain to produce more of a type of slow waves that promote states of relaxation. And, it also produces positive effects on the amygdala (part of the brain that has to do with fear and negative emotions, among others).

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The World Health Organization, among others, has recommended EMDR therapy since 2013 as one of the recommended treatments for disorders related to trauma and post-traumatic stress.

EMDR therapy is based on the Adaptive Information Processing Model (AIP) this model postulates that the nervous system can process everything that happens to us in our lives, including stressful or intense experiences, but sometimes, the system is blocked and the memory remains unprocessed (the same emotions, perceptions, thoughts continue). and sensations than when the event occurred), which can cause problems and symptoms in the present.

Therapeutic results of controlled studies

Generally in about six sessions, in 77-100% of cases, remission of PTSD occurs in people with single traumatic memories, and about 12 sessions are needed for people with multiple traumatic memories.

Who can EMDR Therapy help?

This therapy has shown beneficial effects in people suffering from different problems among them:

What is it like to do EMDR therapy?

The EMDR therapist has to investigate the case and understand with the patient the connections between the problem they bring to consultation and their previous history. It may happen that patients are not aware at first of the memory that causes them discomfort and that it appears later. This is normal, since we are only aware of 5 percent of cognitive activity and the remaining 95% is not conscious.

Initially, the topics to be discussed are agreed upon, then each relevant and important memory will be accessed. To continue, attention will be paid to a negative image, emotion, belief and/or body sensation that appears related to this traumatic event. And, then, to a positive belief that involves a change of perspective regarding the experience.

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After EMDR treatment, the patient sees the distant memory for the first time, feeling emotions appropriate to the situation and eliminating disturbing physical sensations.

EMDR sessions last approximately 60 minutes. EMDR therapy can be used in multiple ways within psychological therapy: as a one-off intervention, as an additional therapy, or even as a treatment in itself with this technique alone.

Is this therapy right for me?

If sometimes you feel bad and you don’t understand why, you try to relax, but you can’t quite do it. If you wake up at night with the same discomfort, you talk to someone close to you, but that feeling is still there causing the same discomfort. In this case, you can ask yourself where that sensation comes from and what was the first time you felt it.

After accessing these memories, which may be the basis of your discomfort, with EMDR therapy you will be able to process and integrate these memories so that they no longer cause you discomfort and your nervous system regains calm.

In PsychoAlmería We have professionals who can help you identify those memories that cause you discomfort so that you can process them properly and integrate them in a beneficial way.