How Do I Choose The Psychologist That Best Suits Me?

How do I choose the psychologist that best suits me?

Choosing a psychologist may not be an easy task with the wide existing demand and the lack of knowledge that in many cases exists regarding the functioning of psychological therapies. As in other health professions, the bond we establish with the professional is a fundamental variable for the success of the therapy you perform. Not every psychologist is for every patient, nor is every patient for every psychologist.

Furthermore, in psychology, unlike other health professions, such as physical therapy or dentistry, you will need to open up emotionally and probably address intimate and complicated life issues. Therefore, the bond you establish with the professional is even more important.

Psychological professionals have the tools to promote an adequate bond, and we work to provide that environment of warmth, comfort and trust with each patient. However, your psychologist will form a team with you, guiding you and paddling with you in the process of change. So it is legitimate, and also recommended, that the patient himself makes a selection of the therapist with whom he wants to work.

The keys to finding the psychologist that fits those you are looking for

Under my clinical experience at Conecta PsicologĂ­as Online, when the patient feels convinced that they are in the right place and has made, on their own, the decision to go to a specific professional, the therapy has a higher success rate. So I am going to leave you some keys that will help you choose a professional that is right for you.

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1. Review your training and experience

In most cases, psychologists have a website where we explain what we do and how we do it. If it has a specialty related to the problem you want to work on, surely you feel in the right place to work on it, and the psychologist has more specific means and resources. For example, to treat a relationship problem, it is not essential that the psychologist have specific training in Couples Therapy, but if he has it, it is a favorable variable.

2. Take into account their work style

There are different ways of working to carry out successful therapy. You can find out about the way the sessions run, to know the predominant style and techniques in the way of doing therapy and see if it fits with what you expect and with you.

3. Verbal and non-verbal language, and personality traits

We are all different, and that is why we feel more comfortable with different types of personalities. That is, if being serious and responsible at work is a highly valued quality for you, you will probably feel more connected and comfortable with a psychologist who transmits professionalism and rigor to you. On the other hand, if you tend to feel more comfortable with sweet and approachable people, you will probably feel more comfortable with the therapist in whom you find those qualities.

You can normally obtain the information regarding keys 2 and 3 on the professional’s or clinic’s website, social networks, blog, etc. You can also directly ask the professional what their way of working is like, before starting the sessions. In a first telephone conversation, you can surely perceive certain general sensations and impressions regarding the way in which that person is going to work with you in therapy, and the way in which he is going to address you.

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4. Look for references

Having someone in your environment recommend a certain professional to you and explain how it has worked for him or her always provides security, confidence and motivation to start working with said professional.

Furthermore, although each person is different, you and your environment probably have certain common and similar personality traits, as well as certain similar life experiences, that can make you fit equally with the same psychologists. If you don’t have people in your environment who can recommend someone to you, look for references through opinions on websites, Google, psychology portals, etc.

However, although I recommend that you take into account the keys that I mention, I also advise you not to spend excessive time choosing, since this will delay you from starting the therapy and, therefore, your improvement.

Once you have taken into account some of these variables that can increase your chances of feeling comfortable and your therapy being successful, Don’t be guided exclusively by a first impression, and go ahead and try it. Not all sessions, especially the first ones, are going to be a before and after in your life. Be patient with the process, and let yourself be guided.

Author: Vanesa Fernández-Luna