Vigorexia: What It Is, Symptoms, Causes, Consequences And Treatment

Vigorexia: what it is, symptoms, causes, consequences and treatment

Vigorexia is a psychological disorder characterized by a constant concern about body image, in which the person has excessive concern with their body. The individual with this disorder seeks to increase his muscle mass at all costs. Do you know someone like that? Do you want to know what the symptoms of vigorexia are? In this PsychologyFor article, we are going to help you better understand What is vigorexia, its symptoms, its causes, consequences and treatments

What is vigorexia?

The vigorexia also named after muscle dysmorphia It is a alteration of body image that the individual develops towards his own body. It is more predominant in young males, although vigorexia also exists in women. It is a psychological condition that encompasses health problems related to body image and dependence on physical exercise.

The person has a excessive and constant worry about your body for not being muscular enough. In this way, an obsession develops with increasing muscle mass through physical exercises, diets and substance use. Such substances can often be harmful to health, including products such as anabolics, hormones and dietary supplements.

Symptoms of vigorexia

The symptoms of vigorexia are:

  • Obsession with the body
  • Constantly looking in the mirror
  • Look thin, even if you are muscular
  • Obsession with becoming muscular
  • Prioritize exercises
  • Dedication to more hours of training
  • Compare your body to other people’s bodies
  • Feeling unwell when you miss a day of exercise
  • Feeling sick when you skip a meal
  • Frequently worrying about meeting your daily protein and carbohydrate intake goals
  • Abandonment of other activities
  • Neglecting other areas of your life, such as friends and family

Causes of vigorexia

There are many causes of a person developing vigorexia. Generally, this disorder affects young males more than females. They are physically active individuals who develop vigorexia due to a social pressure for a perfect body. This obsession with the image of the ideal body is imposed by society itself.

To achieve an idealized body, people become addicted to gyms, They feel a need for muscle development to feel good and confident

There are also cases of individuals who were overweight in the past and in an attempt to compensate for their previous body situation, develop the disorder, becoming totally obsessed with their body.

Next, we will see how vigorexia can become a problem that affects people’s health.

Vigorexia: what it is, symptoms, causes, consequences and treatment - Causes of vigorexia

Consequences of vigorexia

What diseases does vigorexia cause? Among the consequences of vigorexia, due to substance consumption, excessive protein intake, exercise overload, among other disorder behaviors, we can find:

  • metabolic alterations
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • testicular atrophy
  • Acne
  • Liver injuries
  • Cardiovascular risk
  • cardiac hypertrophy
  • Fluid retention
  • Kidney disorders
  • Immunological alterations
  • Psychological and behavioral alterations
  • Increased aggressiveness
  • Affective disorders (anxiety, depression, hypomania)
  • Bone and joint problems

Treatments for vigorexia

How should vigorexia be treated? Regarding the types of treatments for vigorexia, we can find psychotherapy, or, depending on the severity of the case, the use of medications.

Psychological therapy

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is a treatment that appears to be quite efficient, and when associated with the use of medication it can be even more effective.

  • Psychotherapy is essential in vigorexia treatments, as it has the objective of work on controlling recurring and obsessive thoughts about the body and the feelings related to it. It is essential to explore the causes that produce the disorder in the individual treated.
  • Another interesting fact is that, according to studies, individuals who suffer from vigorexia avoid or present resistance to treatment, this happens because they claim that they are satisfied with their appearance and therefore do not need help. But it is very clear that these individuals suffer from an immense inability to value their own body, they have permanent dissatisfaction despite all the effort they make.
  • Frequently, vigorexia is accompanied by other psychological issues, such as anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders They also deserve attention when receiving treatment.

Drug therapy

In those cases, you can use medications to control obsessive-compulsive symptoms and also to reduce dysmorphic symptoms. In fact, treatment may help with possible coexisting depression. But it is important to highlight that not all cases require the use of drugs.

Before finishing the article, it is worth commenting that an individual who enjoys doing physical exercise does not necessarily suffer from that obsession. We cannot forget that the practice of exercise, in addition to being good for our health, is addictive, because when we exercise our body It releases chemicals known as endorphins, which are responsible for making us feel good about ourselves during and after our training routine.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Vigorexia: what it is, symptoms, causes, consequences and treatment we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • American Psychiatric Association. (2014). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. Porto Alegre: Artmed.
  • De la Serna I. (2008). Food and its perversions. Anorexia, vigorexia, bulimia and obesity. Barcelona: Edika Med.
  • Pérez V., Valencia M., Rodríguez M. (2007). About a case of muscle dysmorphia and steroid abuse. Rev Col Psiq.154-64.

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