How Do We Distinguish When Addiction Treatment Requires Admission?

How do we distinguish when addiction treatment requires admission?

It is common for some cases of addiction to require admission to a health center with specialists in addiction treatment.

This type of income ensures that the detoxification process is carried out in the best possible way by monitoring the key elements of the treatment and constantly offering the necessary care for the person who is recovering and needs to get rid of the vicious cycle of dependency. But… How do you know when treatment for an addictive disorder requires an income? We will talk about it in this article.

Keys to knowing if addiction treatment requires an income

The best way to overcome an addiction is not always through admission; Sometimes, for example, it is enough to attend individualized therapy on a weekly basis, sometimes complementing this routine with several group therapy sessions. In any case, we try not to carry out a very disruptive intervention that totally alters the patient’s daily life; If admission is chosen, it is because it is really the most recommended given the circumstances, and not because this is the “default” way to proceed in the face of any addiction.

The entry process is complex, since each person is different. Therefore, the ideas that we will see below are indicative guidelines; In practice, each case is examined individually to determine if admission is the best solution.

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In any case, Admission to a center specialized in addictions is one of the most effective measures as long as it is carried out in a health center with qualified professionals and experience in this type of treatment, which must always have two fundamental pillars: medicine and psychotherapy.

1. Dual pathologies

People who have a dual pathology usually have another psychological disorder in addition to the addiction that has been developing for a certain time.

This psychological alteration or alterations that occur together with the pathology can be of various kinds, the most common being cases of anxiety, depression, psychotic-type alterations, post-traumatic stress and bipolarity.

This type of pathologies that work synergistically with addiction They progressively affect the mental health of the person, so in most cases admission to hospital or a specialized center is necessary to treat both alterations.

2. Total loss of personal control

There are times in the life of a person with an addictive disorder when the addiction takes over their life and they become unable to make rational decisions that are not influenced by the disease; In cases like this, the individual is trapped in a vicious cycle of abstinence and consumption that gives them very little room for maneuver.

Right now, The addicted person may clearly feel that he or she has lost control of his or her life and that if you maintain the habits you practice daily, your addiction will also worsen, as will your health.

In these cases of very advanced addiction, admission to an addiction center is recommended, since the person must be cared for and supported 24 hours a day from the moment they get up until they go to bed, with the additional objective of offering them resources to get rid of the addiction. the routines linked to addiction and avoid relapses as much as possible, and even avoid self-destructive dynamics if you end up relapsing.

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3. Lack of self-care routines

Adults are capable of taking care of themselves, maintaining personal routines that are in line with their lifestyles and that provide them with well-being, health and daily happiness.

On the contrary, people who may have an advanced case of addiction are incapable of carrying out any type of healthy routine for their daily lives, and Those habits that they maintain in their lifestyle are harmful and toxic.

To overcome this problem, hospital admission is the best way for the person with addictions to learn and incorporate into their daily lives a series of healthy guidelines that allow them to take control of their life and live fully.

4. Lie loop

In cases where an addicted person enters a spiral of lies towards the people around them with the aim of getting money for drugs or to try to continue maintaining their addiction, it is time to admit the patient. In situations like this, Relationships with loved ones are beginning to be very damaged and it is important to urgently stop this dynamic.

People with this type of alteration are forced to use lies to mitigate the discomfort linked to addiction; This is seen very notably in cases of alcohol or drug addiction and also in cases of gambling addiction.

5. Lack of healthy socialization

When you barely socialize with other people who are not addicts, we are also facing a serious case of addiction that must be treated through admission. Furthermore, these types of routines linked to consumption contexts reinforce the notion that everyone is against them, everyone except the rest of the people with addictions.

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It is important to highlight that one of the main objectives of addiction treatment is social reintegration with the aim that the person can reintegrate into society in a satisfactory manner.

Do you want to start addiction treatment?

If you are looking for therapy for these types of health disorders, contact us.

In Seville Addiction Center We specialize in treating addictive disorders from a multidisciplinary approach.