The Main Characteristics Of Adjustment Disorder

The main characteristics of adjustment disorder

During the course of our lives, people encounter various setbacks, obstacles or unforeseen events that force us to change our course or the direction we had taken, often automatically.

When these types of surprises or unforeseen situations happen, it is up to us to successfully adapt to the new change and use different strategies that we keep in our behavioral and cognitive repertoire.

However, some people have some difficulties in coping with new situations that may generate stress, developing a series of emotional or behavioral symptoms in the process.

This phenomenon is known as “maladaptive disorder.” an alteration that can be related to the appearance of other serious psychological pathologies and that currently constitutes a real public health problem for thousands of people in our country.

What is adjustment disorder?

Adjustment disorder can be defined more specifically as “a physiological response to stressful situations” that the person cannot manage normally and is related to the appearance of emotional, cognitive or behavioral symptoms clinically significant.

The symptoms associated with adjustment disorder usually appear over the three months following the stress-generating phenomenon, which can be very varied and affect different people in different ways.

adjustment disorder

These symptoms are related to states of discomfort, anguish or internal suffering that may or may not affect the personal or professional life of the person who suffers from said adaptive disorder on a daily basis.

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In the clinical setting it has been concluded that this disorder resolves 6 months after the disappearance of the stressful stimulus ; However, the symptoms can remain persistent over time, especially if they are associated with another disorder that may have developed, both anxiety-related and in cases of chronic stress.

Characteristics of adjustment disorder

Adjustment disorder is one of the most frequent alterations that exist and take place in the life of any person who faces a new and stressful event or event that tests their mental health.

It is estimated that this disorder It has a prevalence of between 2% and 8% in children, adolescents and the elderly belonging to the general population. In hospitalized people it rises to 12% and in people who have suffered difficult or stressful life episodes the prevalence is above 50%.

These events can be, as indicated, of various kinds: From changes of school in children and adolescent students, accidents themselves or those of a family member, loss of employment or problems in interpersonal relationships such as a breakup of a couple.

There are some cases in which adjustment disorder can evolve into other mental health disorders as may be the case of children and adolescents who develop major depressive disorder along with adjustment disorder.

It is evident that when the person has other associated diseases or disorders, it ends up affecting the person’s mental health even more and generating other serious disorders associated with depression, anxiety or generalized stress.

Types of adjustment disorder

Adaptive disorders can be classified in various ways, the most common being according to the duration of the disorder or according to the type of symptoms that predominate in it.

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1. Depending on the duration of the adjustment disorder

The duration of the adjustment disorder may have a different duration depending on the person it affects, and as has been indicated, it does not affect all people in the same way.

According to this classification, adjustment disorder It can be acute (when it lasts less than six months), or chronic (when its duration is six months or more).

2. According to the type of symptoms that predominate in the adjustment disorder

Adaptive disorders can be of different nature depending on their predominant symptoms; below we present the most frequent ones.

2.1. Adjustment disorder with anxiety

It is mainly related to the appearance of anxiety symptoms, such as tension, permanent worry, anxiety, excessive agitation or sweating.

Anxiety can affect a person’s correct and normal performance both on a personal, interpersonal or work level.

2.2. Adjustment disorder with depressed mood

Related to feelings of sadness, pain, permanent crying, hopelessness or general pessimism. People with this type of disorder often isolate themselves socially and avoid participating in all types of situations that they previously enjoyed.

23. Mixed adjustment disorder

Mixed adjustment disorder combines symptoms related to anxiety and also depressed mood.

This is a fairly common disorder and can be successfully treated by a qualified psychology professional.

2.4. Adjustment disorder with behavioral disorder

They appear especially in children and adolescents who end up developing difficulties relating correctly to their environment.

People who suffer from this type of adjustment disorder They often have difficulties respecting parental or teacher authority and exhibit impulsive or defiant behavior.

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2.5. Adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions and behavior

It is based on a combination of emotional symptoms related to exacerbated discomfort and behavioral disorders.

People who have this disorder also their private life is affected at an interpersonal level, as well as their academic or professional work. It is also related to the difficulty of relating to other people and respecting authority.

2.6. Unspecified adjustment disorder

The last of the adjustment disorders is not related to any of the classic psychological disorders. Likewise, its symptoms can be diverse and affect the person differently without following a specific pattern.

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