Boredom And Exhaustion

Boredom and exhaustion

Probably the most visible subjective symptom of the quarantine has been boredom and boredom. It would be worth asking then to what extent “social relationships” sustain joy, enthusiasm and vitality so that in their absence these ostensibly collapse, as if they had no other column or structure to survive on.

The point is that this world event caused the same problem in many people in a very short time, to the point that it could be said that one of the subjective effects of the pandemic would have been boredom and boredom.

But these large-scale diagnoses are always controversial, because they are still a sneaky way of crushing the subjective difference of each person in themselves. The truth is The pandemic has not only been a time of confinement, but also of discoveries for many people, who were already struggling with their lives by supporting them with daily obligations and who, with the fall of this support – with the quarantine – began to reveal a fragility that was already there, that of their emotional and mental structures. private.

Today, without a pandemic, we can ask ourselves more clearly:How many rituals, including going to work, support frailties of this type as support? in many cases little subjective?

In search of the pillars of psychological well-being

Body clumping may be sending messages about the lack of proper pivots to ensure that issues such as enthusiasm are established and also last over time. It is another kind of space that is in isolation when life seems flat and without depth, one that is not social, but is internal to each person themselves. Once the place of intimacy is destroyed, the feeling of loss of depth is inescapable and the forced continuity (which only leaves exhaustion as a residue, the only way to continue) cannot be easily replaced by any hopeful imaginary.

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It may happen that certain irritations of the spirit stealthily make their way into us. So stealthily that we can only reach them like thorns of daily routine. We hardly tend to look for its reasons, if they manifest themselves as just a sensation, which although it is really annoying, is also poorly defined. This also results in the constant fatigue of those who carry with them an unexplained and apparently inexplicable weight, and the automatism of a way of living accustomed to solving pending tasks and blindly driven by a single saving goal: rest…


At every moment or in an untimely manner, annoyance can present itself as the leaden background of the days, and that constant fatigue manifests itself in an increase until it is disrupted by the voracious illusion that, from deep down, is projected as the desire to do an innumerable amount of more things. happy.

If the more fatigued I am, the more things I dream of doing, it is time to map out that nuisance or review, at least, the inventory of life.

Who could really enjoy something if he did not first free himself from the boredom by which he was taken? What makes us think that to stop being exhausted we must take urgent vacations or sleep a little more? Do we assume that burnout is a place that can be exited and, therefore, entered?

Perhaps we will find some truth in that, especially if we subsume that place to a certain type of reality that can be suspended in Rest. And to manage to get out, to be able to escape even for a little while, the relief is not long in coming and feels as sweet as the true sensations of life. But then you have to return… You have to return there, where the intimate enemy lives.

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Realities are sustained by several things, among them ideas

The good thing is that an idea, among so many things, is also a way to change. Which is why when routine becomes filled with the same thing, it becomes increasingly difficult to see new ideas emerge, making it almost impossible to imagine another reality. It wouldn’t be at all strange if, looking at someone close to us, who, seeing us languishing in such a way, asks us what’s wrong with us, we hear ourselves say: I don’t have the slightest idea.

An idea is always a sign of transformation, a medium, and constant fatigue, a disastrous way to endure. Because in the mind nothing lasts by itself, everything is transitory, unless we insist on remaining in some way, and many times, when we do not have the resources of a criterion that allows us to choose the way to last, we end up appealing to the general modes of despair that, although fateful, offer the simplicity of the durations that can consist without the need to anchor in the singular principles of joy and personal desire.

If we could isolate the conditions of permanent fatigue, we would surely be able to face it with something more powerful and lasting than the malnourished and constant need for rest. For this it would be necessary to conceive that our fatigue provides the unsuspected gain of boredom, as a fact that allows us to do more than just remain, even though we are thereby slaves to its dominion. If we have seriously arrived at the dock of discontent, we must ask ourselves a question whose simplicity guarantees that we can endure it, and we must ask it because in its atom it protects the potential for any change: Do I really want to remain like this?

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A psychoanalysis always implies a precise way of intervening with all the tools that the word offers, in this sense the ideas correspond to a state of word among other possible ones, since the word is not only what we use to speak, but also to write. , imagine, think, play or even create. This mode of speech that are ideas, are in their manifestation one among many elements that can cause events in people’s lives, if these ideas find a way to consist and structure themselves, because without that weight the ideas are carries the wind; and it goes without saying that when some exciting idea passed through us and then faded away, we always leaves the aftertaste of frustration, handicap, or even the absence of courage.

But when an idea gains weight, it is capable of provoking an essential and vigorous instability, which is in itself the necessary condition of any change, because how could we change if we were not capable of being moved in some way?