What Does It Mean When The Dead Man Comes Up?

What does it mean when the dead man comes up?

What is the meaning of climbing the dead? When we talk about getting sick, we are referring to sleep paralysis. It consists of a person’s inability to move when we are in the moments before going to sleep or in the first moments after waking up. This sensation subsides after a few minutes on its own, but during that time great distress is perceived.

The person who suffers from it can perceive sounds and touch, however, they are not able to speak or move in any way, this can produce high levels of anxiety due to the helplessness of not being able to do anything about it. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) it is included in the group of parasomnias.

Keep reading PsychologyFor to understand what does it mean when the dead man comes up why it happens to you, what is happening to your body and what you can do about it.

Why does the dead man rise to you?

What causes sleep paralysis? There are various reasons why someone may suffer from this disorder. The causes of sleep paralysis are the following:

  • It is common in people with irregular sleep schedules or who have jet-lag.
  • Other common reasons are lack of sleep that is, sleeping less than you should, or sleeping on your back.
  • Another cause of sleep paralysis is stress.

What happens when the dummy comes up? These different reasons can cause a dissociation in the person between the mechanisms that promote muscle relaxation that appears at the time of sleep and the mechanisms that cause alertness when waking up, which is why the person wakes up while their body is still in the same state as it would be during deep sleep. Therefore, when the dummy rises, you are awake, but the muscle atony continues and you cannot move.

For its diagnosis, it is quite common to do a sleep study, that is, to monitor the person’s sleep for one or several nights in order to have more objective data.

Symptoms of sleep paralysis

The main symptoms of sleep paralysis are:

  • Inability to move.
  • Inability to speak.
  • Fear and anguish.
  • Hallucinations. Among the symptoms of sleep paralysis, it is quite common to present hallucinations, called hypnagogic hallucinations, which can be visual, auditory and tactile. These types of hallucinations are so called because they occur before the onset of sleep, in the transition between wakefulness and sleep. The person who suffers from this disorder may believe they see a person who is not actually in the room, hear sounds, feel that someone is removing the sheets, sitting on the bed or grabbing your wrists, among others.
  • Feeling of suffocation. It is also quite common for the person to believe that they are going to die from asphyxiation due to the feeling of suffocation that occurs due to paralysis.

Types of sleep paralysis

There are different types of sleep paralysis, depending on its different characteristics:

  • isolated: it happens to healthy individuals who have high levels of blood sugar for a period of time. stress and anxiety or who have irregular sleep schedules or excessively fragmented sleep. It usually happens mainly when they get up.
  • Familiar: The disorder occurs in several family members and usually occurs at the onset of sleep. There is also usually cataplexy.
  • Associated with another pathology: It is quite common for people with narcolepsy to suffer from sleep paralysis.

What to do when the dead man comes up to you?

How to avoid sleep paralysis? It is extremely important to have good sleeping habits. A regular bedtime and wake-up time, reducing naps and caffeine intake, and technologies in bed can facilitate good rest and reduce this problem. Here you can see some sleep hygiene guidelines.

Remembering that it is a benign disorder, that is, it does not affect your physical health, is also extremely important to be able to relax, in the same way that it is important to emphasize that hallucinations are temporary and do not in any way represent reality.

In order to start moving your body, it is important to remember that it will only last a few minutes. Chill out, focus on breathing and thus realizing that we can breathe and, in addition, moving the extremities such as the fingers very little by little, can help the body wake up a little faster.

Others relaxation techniques What could be useful in this situation is progressive muscle relaxation, that is, focusing on the tension that our muscles have at that moment and going one by one releasing them from said tension.

On the other hand, in therapy we work a lot distancing from hallucinations. This would consist of working so that we perceive the hallucinations as a background radio without constantly trying to eliminate them but also not paying too much attention to them. Furthermore, in this way the separation of these hallucinations from what reality is would also be worked on.

In this article you will find more information about sleep paralysis.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What does it mean when the dead man comes up? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA:. American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Carrillo-Mora, P., Barajas-Martínez, KG, Sánchez-Vázquez, I., & Rangel-Caballero, MF (2018). Sleep disorders: what are they and what are their consequences? Magazine of the Faculty of Medicine (Mexico), 61(1), 6-20.
  • Cheyne, J. A. (2003). Sleep paralysis and the structure of waking-nightmare hallucinations. Dreaming, 13(3), 163-179.

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