9 Keys To Identify Depression

Keys to identify depression

We all feel sad sometimes; When we go through some difficulty such as a breakup in a relationship, financial difficulties, unresolved conflicts, or the death of a loved one, we usually feel low in spirit, irritable, nervous, have difficulty sleeping or sleep too much, feel apathy or reluctance, etc But these alterations usually last a few days or weeks, generally.

The problem is when these symptoms last for weeks or even months. In this sense, it is important know the keys to identifying depression.

What makes me more susceptible to depression?

Depression is a serious illness that affects both our self-esteem and the way we perceive the world or the future and a deterioration appears in the spheres of life, both at a personal, work and family level. Approximately 15% of the population in Spain suffers from depression.

Below we will see what aspects make us especially vulnerable to developing this pathology.

1. Genetic factors

Have a history of family members who have suffered or suffer from depression It can be a predisposing factor to depression. Although there are genetic factors that can be inherited, they are not decisive.

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2. Personality traits

There are certain personality traits that are risk factors to develop depression, such as rigidity, lack of emotional expression, with higher levels of anxiety and high self-demand mainly.

3. Gender

Depression is more common in women than in men although the highest suicide rate is four times higher in men than in women.

4. Thinking/coping styles

People with the absence of adequate coping strategies and with a more pessimistic thinking style, which minimizes achievements and has a tendency to maximize problems, are more likely to suffer from depression.

5. Chronic diseases

Having a chronic illness that increase dependence on others and insecurity is a risk factor.

6. Stress and stressful life events

Without the appropriate strategies to manage it, they can trigger depressive symptoms.

7. Physical illnesses

They can create physical and mental limitations impacting self-esteem and confidence.

What symptoms appear when you suffer from depression?

These are the symptoms that allow you to identify clinical depression.

1. Sadness

It shows itself in a more intense way than when we have a problem. It is a persistent feeling of emptiness, fear and loss. In moderate or severe cases it is usually more intense in the morning with a decrease throughout the day, without disappearing.

Detect clinical depression

2. Anhedonia

Anhedonia is inability to enjoy usual activities or life, even activities that in previous moments were pleasant for the person, no longer seem so. The person appreciates that there is nothing that gives them pleasure.

3. Anxiety

can be produced an increase in anxiety because people remain in a state of alert.

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4. Emotional emptiness

Some people feel as if they have no emotions or even feel unable to cry.

5. Depressive thinking

Cognitive distortions often occur, such as filtering where the person tends to see the negative side of the situation without perceiving the whole of it or seeing its positive side.

6. Concentration and memory problems

Mainly, it is reflected in a tendency to indecision and lack of attention.

7. Delusions and hallucinations

There can be a process of clear break with reality that makes it very difficult to connect with the rest of society and seek professional help.

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8. Suicidal impulses or ideation

This is one of the aspects of depression that makes this pathology a very dangerous disorder.

9. Physical symptoms

From sleep problems, physical and mental slowness, loss or increase in appetite and weight pain in the head as well as in the arms and legs or other parts of the body, to sexual problems.

What is there to do?

Depression, if not treated, tends to become chronic. That is why if you identify that you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should go to a professional to help you overcome the difficulties, thus improving your mood and self-confidence.

From the center Blanca Esther Psychology we will be happy to help you.