Asking For Help Is The First Step

Don’t you think we all have the right to be helped? We all deserve second chances and the need to have a support network.

Asking for help is the first step

I once heard a phrase that I use a lot in my profession today: “All you have is the starting point“. You have the power to ask for help, because asking for help is not a failure. When we ask for help we are showing ourselves that we no longer want to continue with the current situation we have, whatever it may be. We have somehow accepted that this is not right or even healthy for our well-being. Popular belief makes us believe that we should only seek help when everything is out of control or we feel a mental breakdown, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Why is it important to ask for help?

Children, adolescents, pregnant mothers, women, men and the elderly have and should benefit from the help of a professional in the various moments of your life. Stress and daily life cause a lot of discomfort in this incessant society.

Asking for help is an act of courage, of being honest, of having strength. The exact moment in which you know that you need it is when you realize that you are or feel limited in the face of some situation, person, or fact. You are acknowledging that there is a problem. How nice it is to be brave! Don’t be afraid to express your moments of change through your courage. It is still an act of self-love, because to be good with our circle and with our life in general, we have to be above all things good with ourselves. And that is a job that requires time, dedication and I repeat: courage.

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We all have the right to second chances, to empty the backpack that weighs so much and to forgive ourselves for all the mistakes we have made. We are constantly changing, and forward and healthy change is the best gift we can offer ourselves. There are sfeelings associated when we think about asking for help: fear, shame for example, since we think it is a matter of weakness or we are not able to take care of that matter ourselves. Nothing is further from reality.

Asking for help is healthy, it makes us see that we have a support network and that creates confidence in ourselves and in the people we have around us. Generates trust and satisfaction with our closest core. When we find people so willing to love in such a generous way, without expecting anything in return, so noble and with so much love, we realize that if we open up a little and look around us, we are not alone.

Why is it important to ask for help?

If you have already received even a little of all that generosity that I mentioned in the previous paragraph or you are looking to do so, do not forget to imbue yourself with that positive energy. Surely you are the support net from someone who is asking for help right now.

The importance of going to a psychologist, beyond that support network that you have and the one I mentioned before, in the face of a situation that is generating such discomfort for the word help to be placed first in your head, it is essential. You can benefit from psychological help when you feel that you cannot handle those emotions or situations that cause discomfort, restlessness, anxiety… The Psychologist can offer you the necessary tools to face difficult situations, improve your self-esteem and enhance your communication skills. , see what is the focus of that concern or discomfort that you are feeling.

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This is my first article in MundoPsicologos and all I want in it is to capture the fact that we all go through complicated moments, through dark moments, through tunnels of negative feelings that we think have no end. Leaving these spaces entails a process, a time of internal work and a delicate reconstruction. Having your support network, with the help of an expert in the field, a psychotherapist always helps. I want to help, I am willing to do so, and I want you to count on me to do so. Asking for help is the first step.