Activities For Children With Separated Parents To Do In Summer

Activities for children with separated parents to do in Summer

The summer vacation period is usually one of the most anticipated moments for the little ones in the house. However, for their parents or caregivers it can be a real headache. If, in addition, we are faced with a family in which a divorce has occurred, the situation can become even more complex.

In this article we will address various proposals for activities for children with separated mothers and fathers to do in the summer. However, we will begin by giving space to the emotional pain that can occur in infants when faced with parental separation since it is relevant to take it into account when we talk about the topic.

Understanding emotional pain

In recent years, a substantial increase in divorces has been observed in our society. This decision, made by adults, undoubtedly has an impact on children’s reality. The psychological and emotional consequences will depend on the child, their coping resources, the family situation and the support received.

It is important to keep in mind that summer can be an especially difficult period for children with divorced parents for various reasons. Among them, we can highlight some aspects such as changes in routine, logistics, standards, etc. In this sense, it is important to plan and anticipate as much as possible.

Regardless of what time of year the divorce occurs, It is vitally important that adults accompany the minors in the family on an emotional level. Emotional or behavioral expressions may be different depending on each child. It is essential to recognize, validate, give space and attend to the emotions that arise.

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Summer activities for children with divorced parents.

Based on the fact that this time of year can be challenging, difficult and complex for many families in our society, we want to propose activities that can help boys and girls deal with emotional pain and divorce during the summer. To achieve this, it is essential that there is respectful communication, as fluid and honest as possible.

At this point, positive psychology can be a great ally for many families. This branch of psychology focuses on strengthening people’s strengths, as well as aspects such as resilience, optimism, education in emotional intelligence and changing negative thought patterns. If you are interested in delving deeper into this branch of psychology, in this article from the European Institute of Positive Psychology you have more information about it.

When talking about summer activities, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the main focus should be creating meaningful experiences and moments for boys and girls. Therefore, it will be crucial to take into account both the desires and tastes and the needs of children, taking into account their diversity. These may vary depending on the day or time they are found.

Outdoor activities

Outdoor activities, in contact with nature, can be a very important ally during this period. The fact of doing physical activity in itself already has multiple benefits for our emotional well-being. Besides, We add the fact of being in contact with nature, which is a great regulatory agent for our nervous system.

You can take excursions or nature routes, but you can also organize picnics, games that encourage exploration or visits to parks, for example. When organizing a day outdoors, you can consider the option of doing the route by bicycle or swimming in the sea, for example.

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From the point of view of positive psychology, the activities could enhance all those aspects related to mindfulness. In this sense, exploring the environment from the different senses could be considered: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.

Creative activities

Recovering what we proposed to take into account the emotional aspect and care of boys and girls, creative activities can be an ideal tool. These types of proposals are wonderful for facilitating the expression and regulation of emotional experiences.

Along these lines, activities such as painting or free drawing with different materials, activities with music, playing with dolls of different types and also crafts can be proposed. Other interesting proposals may be the telling of stories, stories, diary or free writing depending on the age of the children.

Including the perspective of positive psychology, in addition to the enhancement of mindfulness already mentioned, you can propose a gratitude journal or game, for example. This can be beneficial on a cognitive level and in changing negative thoughts.

Social activities

Finally, the possibility of promoting social activities is raised. Sharing time with other people, whether adults or minors, can reduce the feeling of loneliness and incomprehension.

In this sense, options such as summer camps, sports clubs or even meetings with peers to share play spaces can be considered. As adults, we can accompany them in the process of building meaningful bonds that contribute to them. If we also play to discover and name strengths it can be very constructive and revealing. These relationships have emotional and psychological benefits for boys and girls.