Celotypia: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Celotypia: symptoms, causes and treatment

Have you ever experienced jealousy in your life? The vast majority of people have felt jealousy at some point in our lives. It is an emotion caused by the appearance of certain thoughts of fear and feelings of insecurity and concern about losing the loved one, although it can also be associated with the fear of losing. some social status, the aspiration to possess something of value or to be successful.

Pathological jealousy, also known as celotypy or Othello Syndrome, can destroy a relationship, as well as end the emotional well-being of the person who suffers from them. But what causes a person to have pathological jealousy? How can they overcome it? In this PsychologyFor article, we will talk about celotype: symptoms, causes and treatment.

Celotypia: main symptoms

You can experience jealousy that, to a certain extent, if you know how to control it, does not harm the person who experiences it or the relationship, however, when it comes to jealousy or pathological jealousy The person loses control over them and this creates enormous suffering.

Symptoms of obsessive jealousy

People who suffer from jealousy are not always aware that their jealousy is not normal, which is why it is very difficult for them to recognize it. The symptoms associated with jealousy are the following:

  • Irrational and recurring thoughts about the partner’s infidelity.
  • excessive fear to lose your partner.
  • Be on alert all the time, analyzing everything your partner says and does in order to discover possible infidelity.
  • Lack of respect for the couple’s privacy that is manifested, for example, in check your messages all the time on the phone, your emails, calls, etc.
  • Pretend control the couple’s life limiting her in her daily activities.
  • Irrational thoughts about the partner’s possible infidelity do not allow the jealous person to sleep well or be calm all day.
  • Constantly make comparisons with other people close to the couple.
  • Experiencing anxiety from imagining that your partner may be unfaithful.
  • act with violence physical or verbal against the partner or against the person you believe is cheating on you with.
  • Constantly experiencing intense and negative emotions such as anger, rage, fear and guilt.

Celotype: symptoms, causes and treatment - Celotype: main symptoms

Causes of jealousy or pathological jealousy

The causes of jealousy vary from one person to another and can be caused by different factors, mainly low self-esteem, personal insecurity, lack of self-confidence and/or emotional dependence.

The causes of Othello Syndrome

All the people who are pathologically jealous They are people who do not recognize their own value, do not love themselves and even feel undeserving of the love of others. This may be because throughout his childhood his parents or the people in his care were emotionally absent most of the time and did not give him enough attention and care that he deserved, so he grew up with the belief that he was unworthy of love. of others. Emotional insecurity in the couple can also influence the appearance of pathological jealousy.

Another factor that may be influencing is that you are a highly independent person, so your well-being and emotional balance depends entirely on your relationship. We must also take into account that the low self-esteem from which they suffer makes them extremely unstable, not trusting themselves, comparing themselves with others and therefore living in constant fear that someone will arrive who could be better than them. and their partner leaves them.

Celotypia: symptoms, causes and treatment - Causes of celotypia or pathological jealousy

Treatment of celotype

To overcome jealousy, it is necessary for the person who suffers from it to undergo a psychological treatment. Psychological therapy has several objectives, among the main ones is to modify those irrational beliefs that have been developing since childhood about couple relationships with more rational and positive ones, to make the person aware of the consequences of your actions and give you an explanation in the most appropriate way about the origin of your obsessions, explain the relationship that exists between thoughts, emotions and actions, among other objectives depending on the individual case.

To achieve this, they work with techniques such as cognitive restructuring, exposures in imagination and reality, teaching the patient problem-solving skills, training them in techniques that help them manage and control their emotions and neutralize their thoughts, among others. You are also given tools so that you know how to act in case you suffer a relapse and want to adopt the same obsessive behavior with your partner again.

Now that we have offered you all the information about the celotypia, its symptoms, causes and treatment. If you think you need help, it is important that you go to a specialist to help you get ahead.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. National University of Distance Education. (sf). Cognitive intervention in case of jealousy. Retrieved November 25, 2018, from http://www.redalyc.org/pdf/3440/344030757007.pdf

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