Difference Between Bipolar Disorder And Borderline Personality Disorder

Difference between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder

Bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder are often confused because both pathologies present very similar symptoms. Making a correct diagnosis of either of the two disorders is not easy even for professionals in the field and, to do so, continuous interviews, medical histories, assessment of the person’s history and symptoms, among other things, must be carried out. in order to reach an adequate result. It is extremely important to recognize what disorder it is in order to establish and receive the necessary treatment, since it is evidently not the same for one condition and another, so its effectiveness will depend on it. In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with the necessary information so that you know what both disorders consist of and, finally, we will explain it to you in detail. What is the difference between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder

Bipolar disorder: what it is and characteristics

Bipolar disorder is one of the mood disorders characterized by alternation between hypomanic phases and depressive phases

People who have bipolar disorder present a series of symptoms during its different phases. For example, during the hypomanic phase they may have an extremely euphoric mood, their energy level increases considerably, they feel that they are capable of achieving absolutely anything they set their minds to, which is why they show a very high self-esteem, they usually sleep less. , carry out risky behaviors because they are not able to measure the danger well, they often act on impulse and are easily distracted.

In the case of episodes of depression, the opposite occurs, so the person may begin to experience feelings of worthlessness, their energy decreases considerably, they present extremely negative and catastrophic thoughts and may even have suicidal ideas, they act slowly. and clumsiness, she can end up withdrawing into herself and avoiding contact with others, quitting her job, among other symptoms of depression.

These phases can last several weeks, months and sometimes even a few days. It is necessary to mention that the emotional ups and downs that people with bipolar disorder present are not the same as those that we all normally have; even in very severe cases, people with bipolar disorder can present delusions and hallucinations. But how can you know if it is not bipolar disorder and not a normal emotional state? The emotional changes in a person who has bipolar disorder They are much more extreme to the extent that they can harm the sufferer in one or more areas of their life.

Difference between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder - Bipolar disorder: what it is and characteristics

Borderline personality disorder: what it is and characteristics

Borderline personality disorder is a mental condition characterized by constant patterns of unstable emotions

People who have borderline personality disorder perform many behaviors impulsively and often have confusing and problematic relationships with other people. These are people who show great sensitivity to emotional stimuli, experiencing each of their emotions in an exaggeratedly intense way.

Among the symptoms that people with borderline personality disorder present are the following:

  • Impulsive and risky behavior.
  • Irritability
  • Social isolation.
  • Hostility.
  • Depression.
  • Narcissism
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling of loneliness and emotional emptiness.
  • Anger.
  • Culpability
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Emotional instability and instability with their relationships (they usually have relationships where they frequently alternate experiencing feelings of love and hate towards another person)
  • In some cases, they may also present ideation and may even make one or more suicide attempts.

One of the most relevant characteristics of this disorder is that the person’s mood can vary constantly during the day and can last from minutes to hours, rarely lasting for days. If you feel identified with these symptoms, you can take the borderline personality disorder test.

Difference between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder

Although we are talking about disorders that have many similarities in terms of symptoms, it is worth mentioning that they also have certain differences and it is important to be clear about what they are so as not to confuse them. The main differences between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder are:

  • Bipolar disorder, unlike borderline personality disorder, is classified within mood states and BPD is within personality disorders.
  • In borderline personality disorder, changes in mood occur constantly and for a short time. A person with BPD has constant mood swings during the day that can last minutes or hours, while a person with bipolar disorder alternates between a hypomanic phase and a depressive phase, each lasting days, weeks or months.
  • In severe cases of bipolar disorder, the person can lose contact with reality (present delusions and hallucinations), however in BPD this does not happen.
  • People with borderline personality disorder act impulsively all or almost all of the time, while people with bipolar disorder only do so when they are in the hypomanic phase.

Difference between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder - Difference between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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