Apathy, Sadness And Low Mood In Winter

Apathy, sadness and low mood in winter

It has been proven that the seasons, and specifically winter, influence people’s mood, and can even lead to the appearance of complications in the field of mental health.

In fact, sometimes it is necessary to act preventively so that important emotional effects that have the capacity to harm our well-being do not appear, given that many people feel sadness, apathy and low mood in the winter months. And this has an explanation.

In this article We will see the main effects that winter generates on our mood and what we can do to mitigate low mood in winter.

Why do I feel sadness and apathy in winter?

It has been proven and we ourselves can notice that during the winter the mood decreases, and depressive symptoms may appear. In this way we must take into account the country where the subject resides, since the characteristics of winter will vary. For example, it will not be the same to live in a country where it is cold all year round compared to another where there is more variation in temperature depending on the season.

Thus, it has been seen that Among the winter variables that most influence our emotions, the lack of light stands out. The lack of sun in winter influences circadian rhythms, sleep and wake cycles, and can alter sleep and, therefore, rest. This also has an impact on the subject’s energy, they feel more tired and do not want to do anything and lastly it will also affect their mood, making it appear diminished.

Apart from getting dark earlier in winter, the sun’s rays that reach us are dimmer ; That is, they arrive with less intensity and heat less. This decrease in the sun’s strength also has an impact on the mood, contributing to the subject feeling less energetic.

This change in daylight hours affects the individual hormonally, altering the production of serotonin and melatonin. In the case of the first, serotonin, its production increases when the individual is exposed to the sun. Therefore, during winter, with fewer hours of sunlight, the available amount of this hormone will be lower. Serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, has been observed to be decreased in subjects with depression, with an altered mood.

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Likewise, serotonin is a very important neurotransmitter linked not only to mood but also to aggressiveness (serotonin decreases it); with stress, which also decreases with the neurotransmitter; with pleasure behavior, which is activated by serotonin, with feeling more relaxed, and with increased concentration and self-esteem, which are also favored by this hormone. The precursor of this neurotransmitter is tryptophan, which is an amino acid obtained from foods such as chicken, banana, egg or rice.

On the other hand, melatonin is related to the regulation of sleep-wake cycles, with more secretion of this hormone appearing at night, when it is already dark. Therefore, in winter, during which it gets dark earlier, the production of melatonin will be greater, thus increasing the feeling of tiredness, apathy and drowsiness.

Another organic compound that will also influence is vitamin D, that one of the ways to obtain it is through the sun’s rays; For this reason, during the winter the reception of this due to the effect of the sun decreases, thus being another factor that affects the low mood.

Likewise, the climate also plays a role. In winter the temperature is lower and the days are usually grayer, and it is for this reason that if these weather conditions are combined with a bad day or with an already low mood, The lack of pleasant stimuli does not help to feel better and has a greater impact on how the individual feels causing your emotional state to drop even further.

Sadness in the winter months

seasonal affective disorder

If the impact caused by winter, the change in climate and light that we have mentioned, is of great intensity, having a great impact on the subject, he or she may develop an affective disorder with a seasonal pattern.

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Seasonally influenced mood disturbance is a type or specification of mood disorder, both depression and bipolarity. For this reason, it will be necessary to meet the basic diagnostic criteria for depression, such as adding 5 symptoms, where one of them must be apathy (this implies experiencing a depressed mood) or anhedonia (which is the loss of the ability to experience pleasure) that last at least two weeks. In any case, the true diagnosis can only be made by a mental health professional by examining each case in particular (although what we have seen so far can help identify warning signs and go to the doctor or clinical psychologist).

How to combat the effects of winter on your mood?

To help people who suffer from low mood in winter, in the most extreme cases (which can be considered seasonal affective disorder) A specific procedure is applied for the seasonal type called phototherapy, apart from the psychological and pharmacological techniques or therapies that are commonly used in mood disorders in general. This consists of exposing the patient to intense light that acts as a synchronizer of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is the area of ​​the hypothalamus linked to the circadian rhythm. Another useful technique can be simulating sunrise, also with the help of artificial light.

In less extreme cases, given the possibility of developing a more serious alteration, if the first symptoms of decreased mood are not taken into account, it will be essential that we act preventively to reduce the possibility of more significant effects.

So that, When faced with problems due to low mood during the winter, it is recommended that we modify, if we can, our sleep schedule, trying to wake up a little earlier to make the most of the hours of sunshine. Another proposal to make linked to the sun’s rays is to try, during the day, to go to places on foot, to help us better capture these rays.

Another aspect to consider is eating a good diet, introducing more foods that are rich in vitamin D, which is what the sun provides us, and trying to take advantage of any time to get some of the sun’s rays.

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In the same way, Practicing sports will help us produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin or dopamine, related to the circuit of reinforcement and brain activation, or the endorphin peptide, linked to a decrease in the sensation of pain and an increase in pleasure. Exercising benefits us not only physically but also mentally, and helps improve our self-esteem, since we look and feel better and we perceive that we can meet our objectives and goals, which allows us to enter into a healthy and healthy lifestyle. proactive attitude towards the problems and challenges that life poses to us. Furthermore, whenever possible it is advisable to practice sports outdoors even in winter, since if it is still daytime it may be time to take advantage of the sunlight.

Similarly, The attitude we show will be very important, that is, what our thoughts and beliefs are like. If our thoughts are negative and we face winter reluctantly, we are already conditioned to let it affect us and have a greater impact on us. On the other hand, as in everything, if we try to see the good part of this time of year (for example, the beauty of Christmas celebrations in the northern hemisphere) it will help us to cope better and reduce the probability that our state will upset us.

Finally, so that the mood does not decrease during the winter It is essential that we do not isolate ourselves, that we don’t stay locked up at home. We must relate and remain in contact with others, adapt plans to the cold and do not let it impact your social life.