I Have Lost Sexual Desire: Is My Relationship Over?


Do you feel very tired and don’t feel like having sex? Don’t you want your partner to even get close to you? Do you wonder if your relationship is doomed because physical intimacy has decreased? Do you wonder why you aren’t attracted to your partner like before? Do you no longer feel like taking off your partner’s clothes like before?

These are very common questions in my practice, especially from clients who have been in a relationship for a considerable time. This lack of sexual desire can generate considerable anxiety even in couples who consider themselves healthy and stable, as they fear that it is an indication of larger problems in the relationship. However, as I share with my clients, nothing that happens to us has a linear meaning and we are going to unpack this topic in the article to bring you peace.

Loss of Sexual Desire: A Natural Phenomenon and Not a Cause for Alarm

Decreased sexual desire is an experience shared by many couples and should not automatically be interpreted as a sign of insurmountable problems in the relationship. Over the years, I have observed both in my experience and that of my clients, that sexual desire can fluctuate due to a variety of reasons, from stress and routine to changes in relationship dynamics.

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Think that sexual desire needs space to breathe and flourish, something that can be compromised in the daily life of life as a couple. Daily routine, obligations and busyness can suffocate the spark that once ignited passion. However, this should not be seen as an insurmountable problem, but rather as an opportunity to explore new forms of connection and eroticism.

Maintenance of Sexual Desire in the Couple

Desire thrives in an environment where novelty and uncertainty can coexist with security and familiarity. This means that to keep passion alive, couples must find a balance between the known and the unknown, the safe and the exciting. This is the crux of the matter since we look for certainty in our partners, but this is in contrast to the novelty, the exciting, and that not knowing that is so exciting at the beginning of romantic relationships.

That is why we need to introduce novelties into our intimate lives, such as trying new activities, playing with the surprise factor (playing!), or simply changing the environment where we usually share special moments, such as a weekend getaway to a romantic place. Another example could be surprising your partner with an unexpected date or a small gift that shows you are thinking of them. These changes can break the routine and bring fresh air to the relationship.

Factors That Influence Sexual Desire

Many times, what we interpret as a lack of interest in a partner can be related to health, emotional or even psychological factors, as well as daily tensions. It is crucial to approach these aspects with an open mind and without jumping to conclusions. Sexuality is an integral part of our life, but it is also influenced by multiple external and internal factors that must be understood and managed.

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Exploring Desire from a Conscious Perspective

The transition in intimacy can be a natural phase in the evolution of the relationship. Instead of seeing the loss of desire as the end of connection, we can see it as an invitation to explore and rediscover each other at other levels of intimacy and affection. This perspective allows us to accept changes as an inevitable and enriching part of the relationship.

As an example, a couple who notices a decrease in their sexual desire could take this opportunity to focus on sharing activities that strengthen their emotional bond, such as practicing a hobby together, enjoying a candlelight dinner, or simply spending time together. time talking and connecting on an emotional level.

The Importance of Open and Honest Communication

The importance of open and honest communication between couples is crucial to maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship. Often, a lack of sexual desire can be a symptom of deeper problems in communication or emotional connection. When couples do not talk openly about their feelings, needs, and concerns, misunderstandings and resentments can arise that affect intimacy.

Addressing these issues directly and with empathy can open new avenues for intimacy. For example, having honest conversations about what each of you expects and needs in the relationship can deepen the emotional relationship and help identify areas that need attention. It is vital to create a safe space where both of you can express your desires, fears and concerns without fear of being judged or rejected.

Guidelines to Revitalize Sexuality in a Couple

The most important is:

1. Open and Honest Communication:

Create a safe and welcoming space where you can both express your needs, desires and concerns without fear of being judged. This involves actively listening, showing empathy, and responding with understanding, which fosters trust and mutual understanding in the relationship

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2. Exploration of Emotional Intimacy:

Encourage activities that strengthen emotional connection, such as going on regular dates, practicing mutual gratitude, and enjoying new experiences together. These activities may include traveling, cooking as a couple, or simply spending quality time talking and supporting each other emotionally.

3. Mindfulness and Presence:

Practice mindfulness in the relationship, spending quality time without distractions and focusing on the here and now. This means disconnecting from electronic devices, doing activities that you both enjoy, and being truly present in the moment. Doing so improves communication, strengthens emotional connection, and fosters greater mutual understanding and appreciation.

4. Experimentation and Creativity:

Introduce new forms of intimate exploration and play that foster curiosity and emotional connection in the relationship, such as spending time discovering what you mutually enjoy and finding ways to surprise and have fun together.


Addressing a lack of sexual desire involves much more than focusing on the physical act. It’s about demystifying the idea that sex is the only pillar of a healthy relationship and focusing on communication and emotional connection. Let us remember that each relationship is unique and that a lack of desire can be an opportunity to grow together in unexpected and profound ways. Facing these challenges with an open mind and a willing heart can lead to a richer, more satisfying relationship, where love and connection flourish in all their forms.
