Adjusting To Retirement

Adjusting to retirement

Among life events, retirement occupies a relevant place. Work activity structures the life of the individual, since it allows you to meet your needs, access services, and makes it easier for you to develop as a person. Furthermore, in some cases, it helps give meaning to their existence.

The world of work determines the rhythms of life, since it delimits the time dedicated to work and other activities, including enjoyment and rest.

Therefore, the profession is a key aspect in the configuration of individual identity and, As a result of retirement, the subject experiences a drastic change that limits their possibilities of social interaction, health, and economic stability (Fouquereau, Fernández, Fonseca, Paul and Uotinen, 2005).

The process of adaptation to retirement

Thus, retirement is an event that occurs at a certain point in life but, nevertheless, Its effects extend far beyond the moment it occurs (Rico, 1994). In fact, it has its impact from the moment retirement is planned until time after it becomes effective.

Furthermore, it is a process of transformation, of adaptation, to a new life situation with new social roles (Argulló, 2001; Conroy, Franklin and O’Leary-Kelly, 2014). In this way, Atchley (1975) proposes a series of phases that a person can go through when retiring:

To these phases, Agulló (2001) adds one of resocialization, in which the person reestablishes his or her roles, acquiring new ones and adapting previous ones.

Variables involved in a correct adaptation

Among the variables associated with a good adaptation to retirement we find:

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Adjustment to retirement

What is effective?

As can be seen, Prior preparation has a positive effect on the experience, narrative and well-being during retirement (Conroy et al., 2014).

At this point, programs that encourage early adaptation to this process of vital change are especially relevant. There is evidence that pre-retirement advice It has an impact on reducing anxiety related to economic insecurity and on reflection, anticipation and action in order to take measures to adapt to it (Feldman, 2003).

However, there is little evidence regarding the effectiveness of retirement adaptation programs, despite which small experiences can be observed that, from different public and private entities, have been put into practice, focusing especially on advice on issues economic and executive in nature. Furthermore, some of these experiences leave aside aspects related to family life and the management of leisure and free time (Kleiber, Bayón-Martín and Cuenca-Amigo, 2012). Among the entities that have developed some courses and programs for adaptation to retirement, at the state level, the following stand out: CEATE, Unión Fenosa (Moragas, 2007), IMSERSO (Barrera, Malagón and Sarasola, 2008), Mapfre and EMagister (Villoslada-Manero, 2018), UPV/EHU (Buiza-Bueno and Lizaso-Elgarresta, 1998).

Access to these types of programs is very limited. So what can we do? Try, as far as possible, to have the greatest emotional, social and economic security, planning for retirement and taking into account the existence of different moments or phases. So It’s time to prepare and adjust our expectations to realityalthough without forgetting that a new life stage is opening that can bring great moments and new hopes.

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Author: Borja Luque, General Health Psychologist and Sexologist at Vitaliza Health Psychology.