6 Common Problems Suffered By People With Borderline Disorder

Common problems suffered by people with borderline disorder

Borderline disorder is one of the personality disorders that is most reflected in personal relationships. Therefore, it is important that those who are part of these people’s environment understand the type of experiences that they usually go through.

Therefore, in this article we will review the most common problems that people with borderline disorder usually face, summarized.

What is borderline personality disorder?

Borderline personality disorder, also known as borderline personality disorder, is a mental health disorder that It is part of personality disorders. These are mental disorders that, unlike what happens with the rest of psychopathologies, are strongly rooted in the dimensions of the individual’s personality, so that they affect all areas of their life through their way of managing relationships. social, modulating their emotions, setting goals and motivating themselves, perceiving themselves, etc.

In fact, in personality disorders, dysfunctional behavior patterns They are so internalized in the person that they often deny having a problem, despite the fact that his way of behaving is causing him strong discomfort (and often also causes it to the people in his close circle, such as family and friends). On the other hand, these alterations are persistent, quite rigid, and are present in practically all situations: in work performance, in life as a couple, in free time with friends… There is no clear type of experiences that “activate ” Your symptoms; Somehow, these are always present.

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In the case of borderline personality disorder, this psychopathology is characterized by the tendency to establish unstable and emotionally turbulent personal relationships, patterns of dependence on others, and excessively intense emotional reactions to everyday situations. It is present in between 0.2 and 1.7% of the population. Below we will see more details about this alteration.

People with BPD

Common problems experienced by people with borderline disorder

These are the most common complications.

1. Impulsivity problems

People with borderline disorder often have trouble achieving long-term goals because of the ease with which they give in to more short-term incentives.

2. Doubts about your identity

The way in which people with borderline disorder experience their identity is very diffuse and changing, and they experience their way of perceiving themselves in an emotionally turbulent way. This gives rise to numerous crises of self-esteem and erratic behavior. that break the patterns of the people in their close circle and at the same time do not contribute much (they do not give themselves so much with the objective of experimenting, but rather due to the lack of references and the feeling of being lost in life).

3. Fear of abandonment

Borderline disorder is also characterized by the predisposition to suffer fear of abandonment by friends and partners.. That is why these people can engage in behaviors such as “testing” the love or loyalty of someone special to them, becoming very frustrated if they do not do what they are supposed to do to show interest in that relationship. Furthermore, these tasks or actions that they should perform tend to be relatively arbitrary and not very significant to reflect the quality of that emotional bond; they only make sense for the person with borderline disorder.

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4. Self-destructive tendencies

Unfortunately, self-harming behavior is especially common in people with borderline personality disorder, such as getting cuts on your arms and legs. It is a dysfunctional strategy to stop thinking about what makes them feel bad.

5. Suicidal ideation

Although self-harm is not usually aimed at causing death, it is also common for those who have developed BPD to experience suicidal thoughts. These can range from fantasizing about taking one’s own life to mental rehearsals about a plan that the person hopes to put into practice to commit suicide. Therefore, among other things, It is important that this group of the population has easy access to mental health professionals and go to therapy at times when they are having a particularly hard time.

6. Trouble concentrating

Another characteristic of BPD is difficulty concentrating (something that also has to do with impulsivity) and tendency to dissociate (direct attention towards elements or thoughts that are not part of your environment or the present). Normally, dissociation is a phenomenon linked to psychological trauma.

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