Managing Anxiety In The COVID-19 Crisis

Managing anxiety in the COVID-19 crisis

Anxiety is normal in any person without physical or mental health problems, and in fact, it is part of the psychological mechanisms that allow us to adapt to day-to-day life. Thanks to it, we normally react quickly by taking actions that allow us to avoid risks or dangers of some kind.

However, it is also true that anxiety is the raw material for some psychological problems that we can develop if the right circumstances occur. And in this sense, The coronavirus pandemic provides many of those necessary elements that make it easy for us to fall, involuntarily, into poor anxiety management dynamics.. Let’s see why this happens and what we can do to overcome this problem.

Why can the coronavirus crisis give rise to anxiety problems?

These are the elements that make the COVID-19 crisis an ideal context for the appearance of anxiety problems.

1. The cultural changes that emerged in the pandemic

The pandemic has given rise to several relatively new ideas and behavioral dynamics: the concept that masks are important, collective responsibility in the face of an easily transmitted virus, etc. These changes have occurred quickly, and it can be hard for some people to adapt to them so as not to be left out of social consensus.

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2. Social isolation

Due to contagion prevention measures and confinement or semi-confinement policies, a limitation of movement arises capable of distressing many peopleespecially to more extroverted people or whose lifestyle depends more on face-to-face contact with other people.

3. Concern for one’s own health and that of others

Obviously, the fear that one’s own physical integrity or that of others is in danger takes its toll on the mental health of many people: maintaining a constant state of alert to avoid becoming infected or contagion can take its toll if one does not know how to manage it.

4. The economic crisis unleashed

Beyond the health field, the economy has also suffered, which has led many people to fear for their sources of income or directly feel stress when faced with the need to find a new job.. There is also pressure to work harder to compensate for losses, lack of clients due to the economic slowdown in some sectors, etc.

5. Doomscrolling

Doomscrolling is the tendency to consume a large amount of negative or catastrophic news throughout the day, something that has multiplied recently due to the pandemic and the ease with which we access new information due to the popularization of social networks. . This constant exposure to worrying or distressing content leads us to adopt a pessimistic mentality biased by the sensationalist or interested perspective of much of this online content.

6. Painful memories associated with the spread of the virus

All of the above can give rise to very painful (or in extreme cases, even traumatic) memories: loss of loved ones, hospitalizations, loss of a job, etc. That suffering can easily be evoked in a situation in which we have not yet fully emerged from the pandemic context..

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How to manage this anxiety?

The best way to solve anxiety problems is to attend psychotherapy. Psychologists are trained to offer therapeutic resources and training programs in emotional regulation, so that the patient is able to restore their balance in relation to their habits, their way of experiencing feelings, etc.

However, beyond psychological intervention from mental health professionals, there are also some strategies that you can adopt to enhance your well-being. Follow these tips to deal with excess anxiety in the best possible way and increase your chances of overcoming it in a short time.

1. Take advantage of the potential of the Internet to socialize

Video calls allow you to have close contact with those who are far away; Don’t waste this resource and continue cultivating your relationships with friends and/or family to feel the support of others.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

The hours you spend sleeping are not wasted time, even if you feel like you need to work more to offset the onslaught of the crisis. If you don’t get enough sleep, You will have serious problems concentrating, you will perform less and you will be much more vulnerable to anxiety disorders.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness will help you get rid of the distressing ideas that come to your mind over and over again. Learn simple exercises that last about five minutes and put them into practice every day.

4. Do moderate exercise

Exercise is an excellent resource to combat anxietyespecially if you opt for aerobic, that is, long duration (at least 40 minutes) and without exerting much force.

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You don’t have to go to a crowded place to stay fit; You can do many exercises at home.

5. Set short-term goals

Being clear about your objectives to address in the following hours or minutes will allow you to focusso your mind won’t wander through all those stressful thoughts about what could happen or what you “should be doing.”

Are you interested in having psychological assistance for anxiety problems?

If you are suffering from excess anxiety in your daily life, contact our team of professionals. In Advance Psychologists You will be able to have more than 20 years of experience at the service of your well-being; We work offering individualized psychotherapy, family and couples therapy, neuropsychology, psychiatry, speech therapy and coaching. You can find us in our center located in Madrid, and we also do online therapy by video call.

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