Last Places For The Master In Integrative Psychotherapy Of Mensalus

Last places for the Master in Integrative Psychotherapy of Mensalus

To be able to work offering psychotherapy services, the appropriate combination of theoretical and practical knowledge is key; It is very important to have experience in real patient work contexts, beyond the university classrooms.

That’s why options like Master in Integrative Psychotherapy promoted by Mensalus Institute They are very useful to specialize and professionalize in the field of psychotherapy.

This training program aimed at graduates and graduates in psychology is offering its last places before its start on January 28and gives the possibility of learning from psychologists who dedicate most of their time to providing therapy for patients of all ages in the same Mensalus Institute center where the Master is carried out.

Thus, it provides the opportunity to learn in a real work context with patients in which one works by offering professional support and managing all the necessary aspects to function as a mental health services center.

What does the Master in Integrative Psychotherapy at Instituto Mensalus consist of?

The Master in Integrative Psychotherapy offered by Mensalus, which this year is in its 11th edition, is the best option if you are looking to become professional and gain experience in performing psychotherapy.

Starting from a methodology oriented towards practice, this Master allows you to learn in a psychological and psychiatric care center where you work with a large number of patients, and with a teaching team that works every day offering them professional support and treatment. In it, the practices are carried out with real cases and practicing as therapists under the supervision of the therapist-tutors of the Master.

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Besides, Its contents are developed from an integrative theoretical positioningin which the importance of adapting to the particularities of each case is prioritized by combining psychotherapeutic techniques and strategies both in the collection of information and in the psychological intervention itself.

Mensalus Institute

How is it possible to complete the Master?

This Master’s degree lasts one academic year, with classes held weekly (two days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays) either in the morning group or in the afternoon group. Besides, It has three modalities: on-site, stay at home, and mixed. In this way it is possible to do it both in person and through the online format through live classes transmitted over the Internet.

Upon completion, students obtain a University Degree from the Nebrija University of Madrid.

You want to know more?

For more information about the Master in Integrative Psychotherapy at Instituto Mensalus, access the center’s website or contact the team through this page. Remember that the last places are now available and that classes start on January 28, 2021.