The 6 Keys To Understanding The Psychological Treatment Of Depression

Keys to understanding the psychological treatment of depression

Problems linked to depression are part of the most common reasons for consultation that psychologists encounter during their day-to-day work caring for patients.

This type of mood disorder It is one of the most widespread psychopathologies among the population of Western countries.: It is estimated that between 4 and 7% of the adult population has developed this alteration at some point, and to this we must add the fact that it can also occur among minors.

However, although depression is not exactly a rare phenomenon if we stick to its presence among human beings, the truth is that most people do not know or understand very well the most basic aspects of this disorder, nor how it is caused. gives him treatment. It is common to assume that it is a disease that requires intervention through the consumption of pills or psychotropic drugs, but this is not true.

Therefore, here we will see a summary of what the psychological treatment of depression consists ofwhich is beyond the world of medicine but is also very effective.

The 6 main characteristics of psychotherapy applied to depression

What is the objective of psychological intervention in depressed patients? What type of activities are carried out throughout the therapeutic process? How is the improvement occurring? To answer these and other questions, here we will see what are the fundamental aspects that define the psychological treatment of depression.

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1. The goal is not to “block” sadness

The goal that psychologists agree with patients has not to do with eliminating sadness, for two reasons.

The first is that It is not even true that all people with depression feel sad, exactly; Some describe what they feel in other terms, such as hopelessness, little desire to live, and generally low mood, which is not exactly the same as being sad and has more to do with not finding reasons to feel. excitement for the experiences that everyday life brings us.

The second is that It is impossible to completely cancel sadness, as well as any other emotion.. The solution to the problem that someone with depression is going through is not to eliminate part of their emotional repertoire, but to ensure that it is not unbalanced towards the feelings linked to lack of motivation, pessimism, melancholy, affliction, etc. Rather than subtracting sadness and other emotions that are often popularly considered “negative,” we try to facilitate the appearance of those that are not.

2. The process lasts months

You probably already suspected it, but the main objective set in the first stage of psychological care for depressed patients is never short-term. It is important that the process will last several months, since Otherwise, a level of frustration will arise capable of causing treatment to be discontinued.which is totally counterproductive.

Additionally, it makes sense that it takes several weeks to notice the first results; After all, depression is a disorder expressed in almost all areas of the life of the person who develops it, and each of these emotionally painful situations acts as a kind of anchor that makes it difficult to feel good.

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The key is to gain momentum, so to speak, and getting rid of those harmful experiences that keep depression alive. This, which occurs through the cumulative effect of small changes in behavior on a daily basis, does not happen overnight.

3. Not everything is based on introspection

Many people come to consultation believing that their depression can only be solved through introspection, that is, through mental activity.

The truth is that although psychological processes are very relevant in this sense, we must not forget that what crosses our minds It is totally linked to our way of relating to what lies beyond ourselves.: our friends, our work, our projects, etc.

These factors are considered of maximum relevance in any therapy process applied to depression. Which brings us to the next point.

4. There are tasks to do between sessions

The psychotherapeutic process continues to occur once the session with the psychologist has ended.. Guidelines are always given to follow throughout the day, and they have to do with improving self-knowledge and applying strategies that help to get rid of actions that reproduce and reinforce the symptoms of depression without realizing it.

5. It is important not to skip sessions

While the therapy lasts, maintaining the frequency of sessions with the psychologist is crucial, and failure to do so can ruin the progress made so far.

Luckily, today there are possibilities that make it easier to achieve this.since online therapy by video call allows you to have the support of the psychologist even when you are in another country, and there are many mental health professionals who offer this type of service.

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6. Associated psychological problems must also be treated

Depression is a mood disorder that often appears at the same time as other psychopathologies. For example, It is relatively common for people who also have anxiety disorders or addictions to develop it. (chemical or non-chemical). In these cases, it does not make sense to treat depression alone, since one psychopathology reinforces the other.

Are you looking for psychotherapeutic support?


If you are looking for psychological help to treat low mood problems or clinical depression directly, contact us. In Cepsim Psychological Center We have more than 20 years of experience in caring for patients, and we serve both in our consultations located in Madrid, as well as through online therapy. On this page you will find our contact information.

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