Breaking The Chains Of Limiting Beliefs

Breaking the chains of Limiting Beliefs

Have you stopped to think how many times you’ve caught yourself saying, “I’m not good enough to get that job,” or, “I’m not good enough to play this sport,” or, “I’ll never get to date the guy.” or the girl I like”?

Limiting beliefs are ingrained thoughts, with very deep roots, that tell us that we cannot achieve our dreams or that we should settle for less., and that influence both our actions and the perception that others have about us. They are those large invisible chains that block us and that represent a great obstacle when it comes to building the life we ​​really want.

Limiting beliefs completely condition our lives, but we are not aware that we have them, because for us they are not beliefs, but immovable realities. They are thoughts associated with ideas that we take as true, but that are nothing more than realities that we ourselves have constructed.

The origin of limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs usually originate from our own experiences. Perhaps a bad experience in the past has led us to think that we are not capable of facing certain challenges. Furthermore, what other people have told us, especially those authority figures for usin moments of our childhood or adolescence (parents, teachers, friends) influence our perception of ourselves.

Also social patterns and what is “supposed to be” play a crucial role in forming our beliefs.

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All these ideas become entrenched in our minds and remain with us over time, affecting our decisions, our actions and our self-concept.

What benefits do limiting beliefs bring us?

It is interesting to wonder what makes us allow these limiting beliefs to remain in us over time, when it is something that prevents us from moving towards the life we ​​dream of. It seems that it makes no sense for us to think that living with our limiting beliefs has a benefit, but our human tendency, for pure survival, is to stay in our comfort zone.

The benefit it brings is not having to make an effort, not having to reinvent ourselves to avoid the risk and uncertainty that this entails. The benefit can also be to generate pity in others, to feel supported, even if it is in an unhealthy way. However, it is essential to recognize that these benefits are fleeting and, in the long term, prevent us from achieving our true potential.

    How to break the chains of limiting beliefs?

    Overcoming limiting beliefs is not a simple task, because it requires a change in perception about our own reality, but it is possible.

    The first step is to trust yourself and recognize that our capabilities are much broader than we believe. Pushing our own limits requires courage and determination, but the trick is to nurture our true potential and not let our fears take over us. Although our mind may be stronger than ourselves, it is essential to remember that we have the power to change our internal narrative. We have the power to decide who we want to be and act accordingly, to stop feeding our fears and limiting beliefs to start feeding our great potential, confidence in our abilities.

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    This is how antidote beliefs will begin to emerge, new driving beliefs that will replace what I believed to be a perceived reality that limited me, with a new perceived reality that drives me.

      Limiting beliefs and transpersonal coaching

      One of the main objectives of transpersonal coaching is to bring out the maximum potential of the coachees. Limiting beliefs are your main obstacle to realizing that potential and building the life you want, or achieving your process goal.

      Transpersonal coaching works with tools that allow us to reach the deepest layers of the subconscious.where the coachee will find answers to change the perception of their reality and replace their limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs.

      Do you want to train in transpersonal coaching to help others break the chains of their limiting beliefs? If you are interested in learning the practical and theoretical aspects of transpersonal coaching, and helping other people break the chains of their limiting beliefs, Innerkey courses are for you. Here you will find options whether you want to train as a Professional Coach, or if you want to incorporate the principles of this coaching approach in areas such as leadership and team management, education, career guidance, and more. To learn more about Innerkey services, visit this page.