Symptoms Of Obsession With Death

Symptoms of obsession with death

death is thereis a reality that no one can avoid nor escape from. However, and despite the fact that there are so many self-help books that claim that you should learn to live each day as if it were your last, the truth is that living like this would be anguish.

Precisely because limit awareness produces a suffocating feeling about conscience, as Sartre showed.

accept death

Accepting death is even more difficult in a society in which this topic is practically not talked about due to the value of youth and beauty. However, the first thing you should think about is that It is not known how many years you will live. You may be one of those lucky people who lives to be ninety or one hundred years old. Are you going to be worrying when perhaps you have so many years ahead of you to achieve your goals, realize your dreams and be happy?

Don’t get ahead of tomorrow or think about what you can’t control. Here lies the key to the matter: in life, it is better to learn to direct your mind towards topics in which you do have the capacity to influence.

Why do we become obsessed with death?

In one vital or existential crisis It is very possible that you feel closely the obsession with death, the fragility of life, the anguish caused by the passage of time, the speed with which the days pass and the feeling of inner emptiness. The truth is that a crisis of this type is painful but when you overcome it you come out stronger from it.

It’s worth it learn to live in the now. But it can also happen that you become obsessed with death if you have long since lost a close relative whom you loved very much. Or also, in the event that someone close to you has been diagnosed with a disease that is difficult to cure.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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