High Bilirubin (jaundice): Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Our body produces bilirubin naturally. This pigment performs important functions but If it is concentrated in excess in the blood it can cause jaundice and other symptoms.

In this article we will analyze what are the causes and symptoms of high bilirubin and what treatments are recommended for this alteration.

What is bilirubin?

Bilirubin is a yellow pigment produced as a result of the degeneration of hemoglobina protein present in red blood cells that transports oxygen between the lungs and the rest of the tissues.

Bilirubin acts primarily as a cellular antioxidant; This reduction in oxidation processes causes the cells to wear out less. However, the excessive presence of antioxidants can damage cells.

This pigment is the cause of the color of bruises and feces, as it is eliminated through bile. It also explains the peculiar skin tone of people with jaundice.

Various beneficial properties are attributed to moderately high levels of bilirubin in addition to cell protection, including reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

Types of bilirubin

We can distinguish between two types of bilirubin: direct or conjugated and indirect or unconjugated. The sum of the values ​​of both types is called “total bilirubin”.

Indirect bilirubin is that which has not yet reached the liver, where it will become soluble in water, which will allow us to eliminate it through excretions.

For its part, direct bilirubin is produced in the liver from indirect bilirubin. It accumulates in the gallbladder and binds to bile, through which it will later be eliminated.

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Normal and high levels

In healthy adults, normal total bilirubin values ​​are below 1.2 mg/dl. (milligrams per deciliter of blood), approximately.

Indirect bilirubin is concentrated in the blood at approximately 0.1 to 0.5 mg/dl, while healthy levels of direct bilirubin are between 0 and 0.3 mg/dl.

Different diseases can cause an increase in direct or indirect bilirubin levels in our body.causing various symptoms.

Symptoms of hyperbilirubinemia

Bilirubin concentrations greater than 2 or 2.5 mg/dl of blood can cause jaundice, a term that designates yellowish pigmentation of the mucosa, eyes and skin.

For jaundice to be visible on the skin, it is usually necessary for total bilirubin levels to exceed 3 mg/dl.while the white part of the eyes can turn yellowish above 2 mg/dl. Other frequent symptoms are the darkening of the color of the urine and, conversely, the acquisition of a pale color by the feces.

We distinguish between conjugated or direct hyperbilirubinemia and unconjugated or indirect hyperbilirubinemia depending on whether the disease that causes it increases one or another type of bilirubin.

Causes of high bilirubin

Hyperbilirubinemia is usually caused by diseases of different typesbut there are also other causes that may be enough for it to develop, such as chemotherapy and the use of antipsychotic drugs, among others.

Direct hyperbilirubinemia

The most common causes of increased conjugated bilirubin levels are related to liver problems.

Indirect hyperbilirubinemia

Some of the most common causes of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia are:


The treatment of jaundice depends on the disease that causes the increase in bilirubin. In general, jaundice is cured by strengthening the liver, since many of its causes are determined by liver disorders.

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In cases of gallbladder obstruction, surgery is usually required.. Treatment of the rest of the diseases that cause hyperbilirubinemia is normally done with medications.

Beyond these assumptions, mild jaundice does not usually require treatment in adults. If it causes itching, it can be reduced by using cholestyramine, a medication that helps eliminate bilirubin.

In newborn babies, in whom elevated bilirubin levels are common and may be somewhat more worrying, jaundice is treated with exchange transfusion and light therapy.

In addition, drink plenty of water, eat fruits and vegetables, and limit saturated fats and refined sugars They are natural methods to reduce the symptoms of high bilirubin.