Amok Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, major depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder are widely known by the vast majority of the population.

These are conditions that occur consistently in the vast majority of cultures on the planet, occasionally varying their manifestations but presenting distinctive majority patterns.

However, not all mental disorders are so common. There are some syndromes and disorders that are considered to appear specifically in certain cultures, linked to their beliefs and lifestyles. One of these cases is known as Amok syndrome, or homicidal madness..

A rare disorder: exploring Amok Syndrome

Amok syndrome is a very rare disorder whose The main characteristic is the appearance of an outbreak of wild fury that induces the subject to murderous behavior.causing murder or serious injury with the intent to kill all the people the subject encounters.

This outbreak or episode arises apparently randomly, without there being any phenomenon that causes the attack. This episode usually ends with the death of the subject, being produced either by the subject’s suicide or by the fact of being shot down in order to stop the attack.

It has also been observed that in many cases individuals with this syndrome present a series of prodromes or symptoms that indicate the possible future presence of the disorder. Specifically The presence of moderate depression, isolation and a high level of fatigue are common.

In cases in which the subject with Amok syndrome survives, the presence of lacunar amnesia (that is, they do not remember the homicidal episode) and a high level of fatigue and exhaustion, both physical and mental, have been observed.

This is a traditionally culturally linked syndrome, visualized and described for the first time in the Malay population. Historically it has also been associated with other cultures, as in the case of Viking Berserker warriors, who were known to enter a state of rage in battle during which they attacked both enemies and allies with special ferocity and resistance to pain.

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Etiology (causes) of Amok

The causes of this disorder are not yet well known, due to its low general prevalence and the fact that a large part of those affected end up dying, either by suicide or by being shot down to put an end to their actions.

However, It is noted that for the Malay population this syndrome was considered a response to frustration and humiliation. Likewise, the religious beliefs of this population, which included the ideas of possession by spirits, facilitate the suggestion and presence of this type of actions, as well as a magical interpretation of the phenomenon.

It has also been detected that the presence of chronic physical disorders is relatively common in subjects with Amok syndrome, and it cannot be completely ruled out that it occurs during an episode of substance intoxication. Specifically, it has been observed that in the Indonesian regions where this disorder was detected, consumption by both adults and children of Brugmansia suaveolens or floripĆ³n is common, which is used as a painkiller as well as to prepare hallucinogenic drinks.

A disorder not as culture-specific as previously thought

Although it is considered a culture-bound disorder, Amok syndrome has recently been expanded and exported to a more global levelbeing associated by some experts with multiple mass murders that occurred recently. However, it is not clear to what extent this is due to cultural exchange, since the increasing scope of globalization cannot be separated from other factors that could also explain this phenomenon.

Typical profile of the affected person

It has been mentioned previously that Amok syndrome is a very strange disorder and difficult to see in the population. However, the serious implications and consequences of this syndrome have led to the study of both this disorder and the characteristics of those who suffer from it, thus common patterns have been seen in subjects who have suffered from it.

Generally, the subjects in whom this syndrome arises are usually men, usually young, who present a shy, introverted and unexpressive personality. They tend to be subjects who present a high level of vital inhibition and sometimes feelings of dissatisfaction and frustration. It is common that throughout their lives they have experienced some type of traumatic experience that is unbearable for them.

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The presence of a very prolonged history of harassment over time, such as in the case of bullying, or violence within the family is a frequent element found in subjects who have suffered from this disorder, suggesting that the outbreak may be due to consequences of these phenomena that arise, provoking homicidal rage.

Increase in prevalence

In recent times, an increase in the prevalence of Amok syndrome has been detected. This is due to the well-known call effect, through which the observation of certain cases and their consequences can cause other people to imitate the actions of these subjects.

Thus, learning occurs in a form of behavior that the subjects may not have previously had, and they may value and desire the level of social attention they observe for themselves. The same phenomenon has been observed in cases of gender violence, suicides, vandalism and even homicides or terrorism.

Crimes apparently associated with Amok syndrome

Amok syndrome is an extremely rare and unusual disorder, but the fact that it can cause The commission of mass murders has led to many known massacres being linked to this syndrome..

Some known cases that have been associated with this disorder are the following:

1. Columbine massacre

On April 20, 1999, this well-known massacre took place. In it, two students assaulted the Columbine High School campus, killing 15 people and injuring twenty-four others before both perpetrators committed suicide.

2. Virginia Tech Massacre

Another massacre or mass murder that has been linked to Amok syndrome. In this case that occurred in 2007, the subject involved murdered thirty-two people before committing suicide.

3. Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre.

In this well-known case that occurred in 2012, a teenager took the lives of a total of twenty children and seven adults, shortly before committing suicide.

4. Munich shooting

In July of this same year 2016, a young man with no apparent links to terrorist organizations carried out a massacre where nine people lost their lives and another twenty-seven were injured. The perpetrator of the act would end his life shortly after.

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Caution when linking blood crimes to this syndrome

It must be taken into account that in many of the cases cited the person had prior intention and planning before carrying out their attack. The definition of the disorder does not indicate that it is a premeditated event, so it is debatable whether these massacres are due to the presence of Amok syndrome. Despite this, in the opinion of numerous professionals, the characteristics of these homicidal behaviors are linked to this disorder.

The association of this disorder with violent crime has led to it being considered that some massacres and murders committed without apparent motives have been considered due to Amok syndrome, such as those seen above. However It must be taken into account that most crimes are committed by people without any mental pathologywhether or not their actions have a clear objective for others, so the issue must be treated with caution and not err on the side of reductionism, considering that any apparently unjustified blood crime is due to Amok or other syndromes or mental illnesses.

The murders, many in most cases, are explained not by situations linked to mental disorders, delusions and hallucinations, but by contexts in which a conflict has been escalating little by littlesituations in which there is organized crime, or due to some kind of ideological and discriminatory indoctrination.


Because this is an extremely rare phenomenon and is also characterized by being sudden and unexpected, the only immediate treatments are based on the physical containment of the patient for the duration of the episode. It is important to do this keeping in mind that the only objective is that no one receives harm, so punishments or any act of revenge, of course, are unnecessary.

However, It is in preventive work where greater efficiency could be found and massacres could be avoided.. Treatment of possible psychological and social conditions that may lead to outbreaks of this type may be essential. Thus, loyalty to the follow-up of psychological and pharmacological treatments is important.

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