Listening To Music To Alleviate The Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s

Auditory memory is found in a different area of ​​the brain than other memories, specifically in the area of ​​the temporal lobe, which is located near the temple and the ear.

Although this area is one of the first to be affected by the Alzheimer’s and that under the effects of this disease many patients do not even know their own name, nor do they recognize their closest relatives (spouses, children, siblings…), it is common for people with this dementia to remember songs that such They may have heard it long ago, in their earliest youth. How is it possible that many do not have the ability to speak but can hum songs and get excited about them? Let’s start with the basics.

Alzheimer’s: what is it?

Alzheimer’s, or senile dementia of the Alzheimer type, is a neurodegenerative disease that causes severe damage to the brainkilling nerve cells and breaking their connections with each other, which produces irreversible impairment of cognition, behavior and, usually, immediate memory. However, intervention based on music therapy can help in its treatment, despite not curing the disease.

It is the most common type of dementia in terms of epidemiology; It is a devastating disease, not only for the person who suffers from it, but also for the patient’s relatives who observe how his relative deteriorates and how from being an independent and autonomous person she becomes a completely dependent being.

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Even so, in the area in charge of processing and storing music it seems that the impact is less than in the rest of the areas. Recent studies carried out by neurologists conclude that, for the most part, Patients with an advanced level of this disease maintain their musical memories. In this way, music can help them relax and improve their mood. In this sense, music therapy is a good option to alleviate the effects of Alzheimer’s.

What is music therapy?

Music therapy is the use of music in interventions carried out in medical, educational and everyday settings.. It can be aimed at individuals, groups or communities with the aim of improving their quality of life in different aspects.

The use of music therapy is increasingly increasing in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, as well as in intervention on other types of neurological disorders, such as depression, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia and amnesia. One of the greatest advantages of music therapy is that any family member or caregiver can practice it at home with the patient.

How are music therapy sessions carried out?

The therapy is carried out in a group, the therapists previously investigate the musical biography of the patient, asking their relatives and finding out what musical style the patient used to listen to, or what song has a special meaning for them, that is, what song or theme is linked to a memory that in turn represented a vital experience for the patient. For example, the song that he heard when he met the one who would be his future wife or that melody from an old record player that he listened to in his childhood during the summer break… the examples are countless.

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A particular melody or song is a link to past memories in the form of deeply rooted sensations and emotions. in our mind. This is because we are emotional beings; Let us not be fooled by outdated beliefs that define the human being as a rational animal, emotions are very powerful and these precede ideas, since ideas can change depending on the emotions we feel. In addition, patients can be invited to dance, in such a way that their physical condition is improved and they interact socially.

The effectiveness of music therapy

Research has been focused on determining the effectiveness and physiological mechanisms that produce a considerable improvement in the symptoms of the disease. It has been shown that music therapy improves attention in patients and mitigates negative symptoms such as irritability, anxiety and sadness.

In a research study, it was determined which areas of the brain were activated when listening to music and it was subsequently analyzed whether the aforementioned areas showed deterioration or, on the contrary, whether they resisted more the advance of neuronal degradation caused by Alzheimer’s. It was concluded that Neuronal stimulation through music produces cognitive benefitsthat is, it improves concentration and orientation in reality in addition to maintaining speech and verbal communication skills. On a physical level it produces a sedative effect, and on a socio-emotional level it increases self-esteem, improves social interaction and prevents isolation and loneliness. As it is commonly said, “music is medicine for the soul.”