​The Good Side Of ADHD: 10 Positive Traits Of Young People With Attention Deficit

The term “disorder” is often scary. Many people usually relate it to the idea of ​​illness, something that does not work well in the body itself and causes the health and entire personality of the person to be crushed under its weight. This is very common to see, for example, with ADHD, and the attention deficit to which it is linked.

However, young people who are diagnosed with ADHD are neither that label nor are they basically characterized by being “sick.” In fact, they have many positive characteristics..

ADHD as a label

It is worth mentioning that the term is used disorder to refer to a psychological or biological dysfunction. This manifestation is characterized by is associated with discomfort (pain), disability (impairment) or a risk that alters the quality of life. However, it is vital to understand that the term disorder is exclusively related to a list of symptoms that the person presents; It is not referring to the person themselves. In fact, a disorder is not exactly the same as a disease.

For example, considering the different ways in which a diagnosis can be interpreted, a person suffering from depression is not the same as a depressed person. Likewise, it occurs in the cases that we have mentioned that children present this disorder, but they are not that disorder; Unfortunately, adults assume that definition of the child and do not see beyond the diagnosis.

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The positive characteristics of people with ADHD

A good way to end the stigma that is sometimes built from the label of “boy or girl with ADHD” is highlight the positive characteristics that are usually a byproduct of attention deficit.

Below is a breakdown of a series of positive characteristics that children with ADHD present and that parents and teachers should discover in this group of young people. Not all of them have all the characteristics, but they do have a large part of them, which it would be very good if they could be enhanced.

1. They are young enthusiasts

Attention deficit does not mean that we lack the ability to attend to things that are of interest, but rather that these, many times, do not fit with those that are supposed to be interesting or on which we are “supposed” to concentrate. That’s why young people with ADHD are always busy thinking or doing something they like. and they do it in an honest way, not because a series of rules dictate it to them.

2. They easily forget negative episodes

People diagnosed with ADHD usually do not have obsessive thoughts that revolve around a painful or angry memory, precisely because doing so would be too monotonous. That is why they are relatively unlikely to hold grudges.

3. They are spontaneous and explorers

Young people in this group tend to always be very sensitive to possible new stimuli that require their attention.. That is why they are prone to explore the environment and discover what surrounds them by themselves, without waiting for someone to do it for them.

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4. They like to make friends in different environments

Virtually any environment is likely to be explored by boys and girls diagnosed with ADHD.that is why they know how to create game situations in which others can participate.

5. They are easy to adapt to unforeseen plans

Monotony is not something especially valued by these young peopleso changes in circumstances that force a change of plans are not experienced as a drama by them.

6. They are very observant

Boys and girls with ADHD are not only very enthusiastic through their actions, but they are also in thought. That is why even when it seems like they are doing nothing, they are taking advantage of their time observing what is happening around them, noticing phenomena that go unnoticed by others.

7. They learn very quickly when something interests them

There is a lot of talk about the impulsivity of young people with ADHD as something that makes them change interests easily. However this is only one side of the coin; the other is that They prefer to do what they are passionate about at the momentwithout postponing it, which means that if they like a topic enough they dedicate all their efforts to it, without leaving for tomorrow lessons that they can learn today.

8. They are very creative

Any situation can be transformed into a game for a child with ADHD, and this ability to find ways to entertain yourself in a clear display of creativity and lateral thinking.

9. They are proactive

These young people do not tolerate boredomso they are capable of making their own entertainment and doing the things that interest them by taking the initiative.

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10. They are energetic

Some of the games in which they are involved require physical effortso they are usually given to exercising even if it is without intending to.


As can be seen, There are many positive characteristics that children with ADHD have.. These must be known to parents and teachers, as well as to the child himself, in such a way that they can establish strategies to solve the difficult aspects of the disorder with strategies to enhance the positive areas available to each one as indicated.

In this way, an environment is created in which the child feels accepted, loved and secure in himself and his peers.