Bipolar Disorder: 10 Characteristics And Curiosities That You Didn’t Know

Bipolar disorder is one of the most well-known psychological disorders. However, the lack of or little information that some people have had access to means that they do not really know what bipolar disorder is or have the wrong idea about its characteristics.

For example, there is a myth that bipolarity It has to do with displaying multiple personalities over time, constantly changing tastes and hobbies, or, in general, having chaotic behavior. Of course, the concept of bipolar disorder has nothing to do with this very ambiguous conception of this mental disorder.

Therefore, in today’s article, We have proposed to prepare a list of 10 characteristic points of this pathology that, in general, people do not know or confuse.

What is Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, as has already been said, is one of the mental disorders best known to the population (if only by name), and It is a pathology that affects how an individual feels, thinks and acts.. Its characteristic feature is exaggerated changes in mood, since, generally, a person goes through a manic phase and a depressive phase. These changes occur cyclically, going through stages of mania and depression to the point of leaving the person partially incapacitated for certain things and/or with a seriously compromised quality of life.

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And bipolar disorder is a serious disorder, which has nothing to do with simple emotional ups and downs, as is usually heard. The cycles of this pathology can last days, weeks or months, and seriously harm the health, work and personal relationships of the person who suffers from it.

Bipolar Disorder is a serious psychopathology

Due to its severity, this pathology can rarely be treated without medication, as it is necessary to stabilize the patient’s mood. Treatment is usually characterized by the administration of Lithiumalthough other drugs can be used for treatment such as valproatethe carbamazepine wave olanzapine.

In the mania phase, the person is capable of getting into debt, quitting their job, feeling very energetic and sleeping alone for two hours a day. The same person, during the depressive phase, may feel so bad that he cannot even get out of bed. There are several types of bipolar disorder that exist, and its mildest form is called cyclothymia.

10 characteristics you don’t know about Bipolar Disorder

That said, there are certain beliefs about this disorder that are not true and that, so that you can better understand this pathology, you can find in the following list.

1. Bipolar disorder is not emotional instability

It is possible that at some point, when faced with a fight with your partner, they have told you that “you are a little bipolar” because you have suddenly changed your mood. Well, you should know that this behavior is quite common, especially in relationships. In these situations, emotions run high and, since no one is perfect, you may react impulsively.

It may also happen that you are in a period of your life when everything changes very quickly and you don’t really know what you want. So It is important not to confuse emotional instability with bipolar disorderbecause the latter is a really serious disorder that must be treated as soon as possible.

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2. The disorder may be genetic… or not

When a family member suffers from bipolar disorder, there is greater chance that another family member will also suffer from it. Now, several studies carried out with identical twins have shown that if one of the two suffers from bipolar disorder, the other does not necessarily suffer from it as well. Both men and women can suffer from this psychopathology, which is commonly diagnosed around the age of 20.

As almost always happens in cases of mental health disorders, not all causes are environmental, nor are all causes genetic, and furthermore, even if we focus on the genetic component of bipolarity, we will not be able to find a single gene that is responsible for this phenomenon. There are several genes that, working together, increase or decrease the chances of having bipolar disorder. Perhaps, in the future, knowing these genetic elements will allow us to offer more effective treatments.

3. Different substances can cause this disorder to develop

The previous point shows the importance of genetic factors as one of the causes of bipolar disorder. But environmental factors, such as the use of psychoactive and pharmacological substances can cause this disorder to develop. Among the use of medications and drugs that can cause bipolar disorder are:

4. People with bipolar disorder are more likely to suffer from other illnesses

Thyroid problems, headaches, migraines, diabetes, heart problems and obesity are some of the negative consequences associated with bipolar disorder. Diseases that, in addition to the symptoms of mania and depression characteristic of this disorder, can increase the patient’s suffering.

However, it is not clear whether these health problems are a consequence of the same genetic variations that favor the appearance of bipolarity, or if they are a consequence of the lifestyle of the average person with bipolar disorder. It is very possible that it is due to a combination of both factors.

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5. There are different variations of bipolar disorder

There are different types of bipolar disorder. They are the following:

There is also a subtype of cycling bipolar disorder rapid (or cycle), in which people have four or more episodes of major depression, hypomania, mania, or mixed states in a period of one year.

6. Manic and depressed states can occur simultaneously

Manic and depressive states can occur simultaneously, which is called a “mixed episode.”so it is not necessary that they appear separately to make the diagnosis. For example, a person may have episodes of tears and sadness during a manic phase.

7. A person with bipolar disorder can be happy

Bipolar disorder is a serious pathology, and the person who suffers from it may see their quality of life diminished as a result. But despite this, thanks to the correct treatment, it is possible to live a full and happy life. The administration of mood stabilizers and control of the individual’s lifestyle can significantly help their general well-being.

8. Bipolar disorder is not dissociative identity disorder (or multiple personality disorder)

These two disorders can be confused by the element of “different personalities.” But what characterizes the dissociative personality disorder is that there are two or more different identities or personalities in the person who suffers from this pathology.

You can learn more about this disorder in our article: “Dissociative Personality Identity Disorder (DIDP)”

9. Bipolar disorder can seriously worsen if left untreated

Sometimes it may be the individual themselves who seeks help, but It may be difficult for the patient to carry out pharmacological treatment during the manic phase.because he usually feels full of energy. The patient is usually admitted when he is in the acute phase to keep him under control. If a person with bipolar disorder is not treated, their symptoms will worsen.

10. Celebrities who have suffered from bipolar disorder

Famous people are not exempt from suffering from this disorder. In fact, several celebrities have made their bipolarity public. For example, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Demi Lovato, Jim Carrey either Macy Gray.

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