Why Can’t I Sleep And Feel Desperate?

Why can't I sleep and feel desperate?

Lack of sleep and despair can be caused by stress, anxiety, or unresolved emotional problems. It is important to address these causes to improve your rest and well-being. Not being able to sleep can also be related to unresolved problems or worries that bother you.

There are many reasons why a person may have insomnia. In this PsychologyFor article we will answer your question about why can’t I sleep and feel desperate. Discover the most common causes why you feel despair and difficulty sleeping.

Why can’t I sleep and feel desperate?

Difficulty sleeping and feeling hopeless can be due to multiple factors, both physical and emotional. Here we present the most common possible reasons:

Night anxiety

Nighttime anxiety is characterized by nervousness, restlessness and despair that occurs at night, which leads to you not being able to sleep or sleeping, but waking up several times a night without being able to rest well. People with anxiety at night usually have intrusive thoughts, discomfort, worries at night and other symptoms.

It has not been established as a diagnosis in itself because the causes that can cause nighttime anxiety can be multiple. It is considered more a symptom than a disorder itself, since it is a subjective experience that varies from person to personso it is difficult to establish the diagnosis with specific criteria. In this article you will find more information about nighttime anxiety: symptoms, causes and treatment.


Stress can be another cause of not being able to sleep and feeling hopeless. when you have thoughts about what you will do the next day either if you have had a difficult dayit is common for you to feel stressed. All of this can intensify at night and prevent you from resting.

Changes in routine

If you’ve moved cities or started a new job, you may When you change your schedule, your sleeping habits also change. and when you go to sleep you begin to despair because you have not adapted to that new routine. You may even look at the clock several times and become distressed as time passes, it will soon dawn and you are still awake.

Harmful habits

He consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and the use of electronic devices at night they can affect the quality of sleep, generating anxiety and difficulty sleeping. It is important to avoid these habits and adopt a healthy routine that includes eating a light meal at dinner and eliminating stimulants to improve your night’s rest. In this article we tell you about the Effects of alcohol on the brain and nervous system.

Have a medical condition

People with asthma, chronic pain, hyperthyroidism, irritable bowel syndromediabetes or other conditions can have a bad night, not only because of the symptoms inherent to the condition, but also because of thinking about how the condition has changed their life. The best recommendation is to seek psychological and medical support to face the situation in the best way and rest as best as possible.

Medication Side Effects

Some medications can increase anxiety, especially if taken before sleeping. Not all drugs produce the same effects on people and, instead of calming, could worsen anxiety. If you think this might be the case for you, talk to your doctor to consider changing your medication or adjusting your dosage.

Why I can't sleep and I feel desperate - Why I can't sleep and I feel desperate

Consequences of not being able to sleep and feeling despair

Not being able to sleep and experiencing despair can have significant consequences, both psychologically and physically. We show them to you below:

  • Cognitive impairment: Lack of sleep negatively affects cognitive functions, such as memory, concentration and decision making. This can decrease performance on daily tasks and ability to solve problems.
  • Increased anxiety and stress: Sleep deprivation and despair increase anxiety and stress levels. The inability to rest adequately intensifies feelings of worry, creating a cycle of distress that is difficult to break.
  • Mood disturbance: Lack of sleep is closely related to changes in mood. It causes irritability, sadness and an increased susceptibility to depression. Desperation, in turn, intensifies these emotional changes.
  • Impact on physical health: Insufficient sleep can have detrimental effects on physical health. It is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic dysfunctions. Additionally, it can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.
  • Deterioration of personal relationships: The altered emotional state and irritability derived from lack of sleep can affect interactions with other people, generating conflicts and deteriorating important relationships.

What to do if I can’t sleep and feel desperate

If you can’t sleep and feel desperate, we recommend following these sleep management strategies:

  • Establish a sleep routine: Try to maintain a regular sleep schedule, and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency helps regulate the circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality.
  • Create an environment conducive to sleeping: Make sure your bedroom is a comfortable and quiet place. Keep the room dark, cool and free of noise. Consider using blackout curtains, blinds, earplugs, or a white noise machine if necessary.
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Use relaxation techniques to calm your mind before bed. Meditation, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation are effective methods for reducing stress and anxiety at night. In this article we teach you how to meditate in bed before sleeping.
  • Limit the consumption of stimulants: Avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially in the hours around bedtime. These can interfere with sleep and increase anxiety.
  • Avoid heavy meals and intense exercise before bed: Large meals and exercise can make it difficult to sleep. Opt for a light dinner and do physical activity hours before bed.
  • Consult a health professional: If these strategies do not improve your situation, talk to a doctor or psychologist. They can evaluate if there are underlying conditions such as sleep disorders, anxiety, or depression that may be contributing to your sleeping difficulties. Do not self-medicate and always consult a doctor about what you are feeling.
  • Evaluate medications and supplements: If you are taking medications, check with your doctor to see if any of them may be affecting your sleep. Sometimes adjusting the dose or changing the medication is necessary. Additionally, you can ask if the use of supplements, such as melatonin, is appropriate for you.

Why I can't sleep and I feel desperate - What to do if I can't sleep and I feel desperate

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why can’t I sleep and feel desperate? we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.


  • De Castro, FL, Rodríguez, OF, Ortega, MM, & Agüero, LF (2012). Therapeutic approach to insomnia. SEMERGEN-Family Medicine, 38(4), 233-240.
  • Hernández, OM, Martínez, OM, & Izquierdo, YB (2019). Insomnia disorder. Current considerations. Electronic medical journal, 41(2), 483-495.
  • Martínez Hernández, O., Montalván Martínez, O., & Betancourt Izquierdo, Y. (2019). Insomnia disorder. Current considerations. Electronic medical journal, 41(2), 483-495.
  • Sarrais, F., & de Castro Manglano, P. (2007). Insomnia. in Annals of the Navarra health system (Vol. 30, pp. 121-134). Government of Navarra. Department of Health.

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