How To Develop A Higher Concept Of Yourself?


Those moments in which I have had the person who has given me their time and company, as we colloquially refer to it, a shoulder to lean on, have usually been of great help in overcoming great difficulties. Certainly sometimes it may seem too simple, but those who have experienced it know that it is so. Does it contain any mystery?

In many stages of our lives, we go on autopilot on. In youth we think of ourselves as adults, projected toward future goals and dreams. When you reach adulthood, worries interweave your daily life and, if you do not become aware, the essence of your being is lost among duties, expectations, and responsibilities. Beliefs that are accepted and repeated unconsciously, far from helping you feel better. If you have identified yourself, I invite you to stay tuned.

A change from within

What will allow you to begin a true change from within is for you to consciously decide to change. Because they not only require will, you also need to take action, stay focused and be persistent. You have to responsibly take possession of a higher, deserving and inspired concept of yourself in your essence. Where even the common becomes extraordinary. You can recreate yourself filled with love, success, a prosperous being, full of peace. The creation of your ideal, opting at all times for what allows you to feel better.

Developing the essence of your being requires you to observe, outwards and inwards. Evaluate yourself positively, feel like a good and effective being. The importance of knowing yourself opens up great possibilities for personal growth and development. If you manage to do activities by and for yourself, knowing that living it is the main goal, they will become experiences in which the reward obtained is derived from the act of doing it. Focusing attention on the execution, and not on its possible consequences, which aligns you intrinsically in your essence.

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That would be the best way to respond to the practice of self-awareness, to avoid states of stress, apathy, anxiety or even depression. Betting on achieving order within the confusion of the mind. So that you can generate an optimal experience, one that is enjoyed for being an end in itself.. It is not something that depends on what happens around you, but on the way you assimilate and value it. Connecting directly with you, with your desires, free of limiting beliefs.

That state of flow can be represented as a moment in which your attention, motivation and the context meet, resulting in a productive harmony that becomes feedback. Learning to Flow is loving what you do. Of course, this requires skills, concentration and focus. You will realize that through a situation or carrying out an activity that you enjoy and is special to you, the frequent worries of life will be excluded from your mind. Including experiencing an instant loss of self-awareness. It should be noted that paradoxically, when we manage to forget who or what we are, we can expand what we are.


The optimal experience thus allows a form of transcendence, because by momentarily losing the notion of time and the need to be in a state of continuous alert, we surpass our own self, to emerge with more strength after the experience experienced. For many people, it may even seem like time passes more quickly, without worry or anxiety. Feelings of hunger, sleep or exhaustion remain unnoticed. In short, you are able to act effortlessly, you disconnect and the activity attracts all your attention, generating an extraordinary feeling of self-capacity and control..

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If there really is some mystery that allows you to flow to improve yourself and that generates that feeling of personal ability. It is the most similar thing to when you experience unconditional support, or shared quality time. Because you connect with your own interior, from your essence. Enhancing your value and bringing meaning to your life.

However, emotional instability can occur in sudden situations. A recurring feeling of emptiness. A poor or wavering self-image. Variations between different emotional states, between strong irritability, feelings of anxiety or depression that can last hours or even days. Also maintaining stormy relationships that fluctuate between deep admiration and extreme contempt can all be causes of emotional deregulation.

How to be that shoulder that provides support?

First, it is important to recognize that the person’s feelings are real to him or her. Validating her feelings is essential. Offer support in an empathetic and understanding manner. Simply being there to accompany can be of great help in overcoming emotional instability.

What if you are the one who is experiencing said instability? If the incongruity has crossed between your plans to achieve peace, to elevate your concept of yourself, with an experience of extreme pain. If you simply feel disappointed, you have suffered a loss or faced a radical change. Loving yourself and reconquering your ideal will be something unavoidable. If you discover that divine essence that you are, you will generate your transformation and it will become a reality. Think about it, feel about it and act accordingly..

How to regain emotional balance in a practical way?

It is important to take into account the following:

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A great step will always be to transform your activities into optimal experiences. Be open to the opportunities in the environment, to re-design along the way. You have to learn to enjoy it as if it were a game and let yourself go in the process. If you manage to connect with your passion and your greatest interests, you will be able to flow.

You will discover that the goal is not success, that the journey is the adventure that motivates, that the fear of failure does not paralyze or intimidate you. Keep in mind that you learn from every failure, review what leaves you new and how you could improve for the future. Remember that the hardest moments have made us stronger, the falls have taught us to get up, the mistakes drive us to amend and continue. Life is a process, living, the richest and most wonderful experience.

Effective people don’t worry, they get busy, and if you believe in your own abilities to achieve what you expect, you will have achieved the necessary motivation to undertake the change. Reflect on how you could turn your leisure moments into flow experiences, look for inspirational models for your self-efficacy and build confidence in your abilities.. And if something that has been expressed has caught your attention, answer yourself honestly:

Now you have an idea of ​​where you can start. Keep in mind, set your intention for your life to be happy, and move on.
