The Involvement Of The Family In The Treatment Of Alcoholism

The involvement of the family in the treatment of alcoholism

Alcoholism represents one of the biggest health problems facing our society. This is due, in large part, to the acceptance and normalization that has occurred at the cultural level of its consumption. The consumption of alcohol has been socially validated and, in this way, it has become present in people’s daily lives.

Over time, different interventions have been developed for recovery from alcoholism. In this article we will focus on explaining the great role that the family plays, or can play, in this alcoholism treatment process.. We will also address the possible difficulties that may be encountered and, finally, we will mention some strategies to improve said involvement.

Characteristics of alcoholism

Alcoholism is now considered a disease that is also known as “alcohol use disorder.” This pathology is included in the main mental health diagnostic manuals. This approach was a big change. It is crucial that the environment understands that it is a disease.

It is necessary that the diagnosis be carried out by specialized health professionals. However, it is important to keep the main characteristics in mind so that you can ask for help as soon as the alarm signals are detected. Some of them are the following:

The importance of family involvement in the treatment of alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease that not only affects the person who suffers from it, but also affects the people around them. There are more and more studies and evidence that support the important role that the family plays in recovery. However, it is important to understand that there are many family styles and not all dynamics are beneficial or adaptive.

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Therefore, we must be clear that these benefits will only occur when the family system provides a safe space for the sick person in which they can freely express how they feel. Besides, it is necessary that the family is really committed to the process.

As we mentioned previously, it is necessary to carry out a psychoeducation process about alcoholism so that you can optimally accompany your loved one. Alcohol use disorder is a disease, not a lack of willpower or self-control.

Besides, It is crucial that the family understands what the triggers for relapses may be to help prevent them.. Along these lines, a greater understanding of the causes of the disease can contribute to better emotional support.

For the person undergoing treatment, it is crucial to feel that their environment supports them during the process.. To achieve this, it is essential that honest conversations free of judgment can be established at all times. Feeling in a safe space where affection and patience are present is essential to staying motivated during the difficult moments of the process.

There are many intervention programs that currently include family therapy. It is considered a really positive aspect since the person feels less alone, more understood and accompanied while the family better understands the disease and their role in it. Aspects such as conflict resolution, communication and relapse prevention are worked on.

Possible challenges in the process and family involvement

Each family is unique and the adversities that may occur in relation to the process can vary considerably from one to another. However, we often find that one of the main challenges is the fact that the family may be in denial about the problem and this delays, hinders or prevents treatment.

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On the other hand, we may find that some families have dysfunctional dynamics that lead them not to get involved in the process or even hinder it. Furthermore, in those in which the problem is recognized and they are involved in the process, it may occur. a feeling of overload or saturation with the disease, its consequences and treatment.

Strategies to improve family involvement

One of the main aspects to take into account if we want to improve family involvement in the treatment of alcoholism is strengthening the bond between the sick person and the family. Family therapy is a powerful tool in this sense since it allows us to create the environment based on communication, respect and free of judgment that is so necessary..

In addition, there are more and more resources that have been specifically designed to support family members of people diagnosed with alcohol use disorder. In these groups you can share experiences, learn about the management of certain circumstances and incorporate multiple resources that can be really useful in the process for both the family and the sick person.