What Is Hedonic Adaptation And How To Overcome It

One of the greatest characteristics that differentiate humans from animals is the ability to verbalize and pursue goals. Furthermore, the need for consumption caused by society is so deeply rooted in the construction of our reality that it is difficult to think and act otherwise. This point is key to understanding hedonic adaptation and how we relate to the people who are part of our environment.

If you want to understand a little more about this topic, we suggest that you continue reading, since the data that we will display here will be useful to you. In this PsychologyFor article, we will tell you What is hedonic adaptation and how to overcome it<

What is hedonic adaptation

Hedonic adaptation is the human capacity to adapt to situations that generate pleasure or displeasure< In other words, hedonic adaptation maintains a link with the resources that a person has to face the situations that arise throughout life.

In this sense, it is worth noting that there is a tendency to maintain a certain emotional stability despite the initial impact of the experiences experienced. If you want to do a little self-analysis, we invite you to consult this emotional stability scale.

Consequences of hedonic adaptation

First of all, we must keep in mind that each person has a different personality that distinguishes them from others. This means that each person processes life events in a different way. When hedonic adaptation manifests itself, it can cause the following consequences:

  • Dissatisfaction: getting used to pleasant and unpleasant situations can cause the feeling that it has not yet been possible to achieve something important and that the objectives achieved are not relevant.
  • Anxiety: the belief that the desired objectives have not yet been achieved can lead to a permanent rethinking of life objectives. At this point, you may feel a high level of anxiety. In these cases, we recommend resorting to these relaxation techniques for anxiety.
  • Impulsive actions: in the face of hedonic adaptation, the feeling of dissatisfaction and anxiety can cause the goals achieved to be undervalued. For this reason, the need may arise to carry out impulsive actions that generate unfavorable effects on life.

Examples of hedonic adaptation

In order to better understand the concept we are developing, below, we will show you some examples of hedonic adaptation:

  • Lose weight: a woman wants to lose body weight, since she considers that she has 10 extra kilos. After undergoing a strict diet and doing physical activity sessions, she achieves the goal she had initially set for herself. However, if she gets used to the pleasure that the new weight gives her and views it as an already accomplished fact, she may come to think that she is still not satisfied with her body image and demand even more with respect to the goal of lose weight. At this point, it should be noted that eating disorders or distorted images of reality may appear.
  • Live in a bigger house: A man lives in an apartment and wants to move to a bigger house. After an intense search, he finally manages to live in a house that gives him great pleasure. However, having become accustomed to this new situation, he could have the idea that he has not yet found the house that he had initially imagined, due to hedonic adaptation. Due to these circumstances, this belief can lead to impulsive behavior and a feeling of emotional discomfort.

How to overcome hedonistic adaptation

Despite the consequences of hedonistic adaptation, there are ways to improve the quality of life and overcome the adversities caused by this particular human capacity. Next, we will give you some tips on how to overcome hedonic adaptation:

  • Seek therapeutic help: Therapy is a space that invites you to reflect on the personal conflicts that manifest in daily life. Furthermore, psychological therapy allows us to work on the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that may arise regarding each person’s objectives. Likewise, therapy helps you better understand your own personality.
  • Focus on positive aspects: cWhen hedonic adaptation appears, the feeling of dissatisfaction appears for not having achieved all the proposed goals, despite having achieved some of them. In other words, the person focuses on what they lack and conceives happiness as an unattainable ideal. Focusing on positive aspects allows you to enjoy the adaptation process and value everything that has been achieved.
  • Search for new projects: yesIf you concentrate all your energy on a single goal, you may feel empty when it is achieved. However, the diversification of objectives allows us to always be in search of new opportunities. In this way, adaptation and boredom can be avoided.
  • Organization: Planning your daily life will help you combat hedonic adaptation. In this sense, reserving time to carry out pleasant activities is essential when establishing new personal goals.

What is hedonic adaptation and how to overcome it - How to overcome hedonic adaptation

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is hedonic adaptation and how to overcome it we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.


  • Fernández-Berrocal, P., Extremera, N. (2009). Emotional intelligence and the study of happiness. Interuniversity Journal of Teacher Training 66, 23 (3), 85-108.

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