How To Know If I Need Psychological Help

When we talk about health we are referring to a concept that encompasses both our physical area and our thoughts and psychological well-being. Going to a therapist is a powerful tool to get ahead when we notice that we need better mental strengths.

¿How to know if I need psychological help? Who should I go to when I need help? What psychological therapies do I need? Unfortunately, mental health remains a little talked about topic and the majority of the population has many unanswered questions. That is why in this PsychologyFor article, we are going to help you clear up your doubts and give you the best advice so that you can receive the best psychological care possible.

How to know if I need to go to the psychologist: 5 warning signs

A psychologist is a person who has been specifically trained in the field of mental health and/or psychological well-being. Its task is to guide you and offer you tools for personal improvement and growth. On the other hand, they are also trained to refer you to a psychiatrist if you are going through a critical situation.

¿How to know if you need to go to the psychologist? Below, we offer you 5 criteria or warning signs for which you should receive psychological help.

1. You can’t lead a normal life

According to the DSM-V manual, one of the diagnostic criteria to define a mental disorder is the inability to lead a normal life. Defining normality as the ability to maintain a certain emotional stability, avoiding conflicts with others and with yourself. If your days go by in a chaotic and problematic way, it is important that you go to a psychologist.

2. You have difficulty resolving a conflict

A sign of good mental health is being able to solve a problem with assertive tools based on emotional intelligence. If you find it difficult to stay calm and manage problems properly, going to a psychologist may be a good option.

3. A person or event makes you uncomfortable

It is normal to have differences and misunderstandings with other people, however, if you have a conflict that lasts over time and generates mental discomfort (whether with a family member, friend, partner..) it is a sign that you should go to the psychologist.

4. Your physical health is also in danger

Sometimes mental disorders can be related to medical illnesses. If you have hallucinations, problems understanding external stimuli or perceive that your psychological health may endanger your physical integrity (anxiety attacks, suicidal ideation, self-harm..) it is essential that you go to a professional.

5. You need external support and professional advice

You do not have to present any serious disorder or discomfort to go to the psychologist. In fact, it is important to know that you can go to a therapist to better guide you in your steps towards emotional well-being. A good psychologist can help you on your path of personal growth from positive psychology.

How to know if I need psychological help - How to know if I need to go to the psychologist: 5 warning signs

Ways to seek psychological help

There are many types of therapists, each specialized in a different field, therefore you can also find different ways to seek psychological help. In this article we are going to focus on the two main ways:

  • Public health It offers us therapies and psychological assistance. In order to see a therapist in the public sphere, your GP must refer you to him or her. In the event that it is an emergency, the psychiatric emergency unit will be in charge of the situation.
  • If what you want is to go to a private psychologist, you can find an extensive directory in our professionals section. On the other hand, to choose the psychologist that best suits your needs, it is important that you correctly analyze your situation. In this case, you can find professionals specialized in dealing with adolescents, children, couples psychologists, clinical psychologists..

In short, the important thing is that you are clear that you need help and that you must seek support from a therapist professional.

I need psychological help but I don’t have money

If this is your case, you should go to the public services that we have mentioned above. To do this, find your nearest health center and consult your family doctor to ask him or her to provide you with a specialist.

How to know if I need psychological help - Ways to seek psychological help

Does going to a psychologist help?

Once we asked ourselves: How do I know if I need psychological help? The following doubt may appear: Does going to a psychologist help?

Unfortunately, the social taboos surrounding psychological discipline have negatively influenced therapies. Going to a psychologist is useful and is a great help as long as you are willing to collaborate and are motivated to improve.

Psychologists are human beings, so we can make mistakes on occasion, our goal is to help and provide the best tools< However, it is the patient who must use these tools. It is very easy to say that going to a psychologist is useless because your mental health has not improved. However, it is important that you ask yourself if you have made the effort and if you have followed his advice.

It is possible that the first therapy you receive is not the one that best suits your problems. It is normal since each person is different and you may have to change psychologists until you find the one who can best help you.

As a final piece of advice in this article on how to know if you need psychological help, we want to tell you that the path to mental well-being is not short or easy, but With patience and effort it will be worth it go to a psychologist.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to know if I need psychological help we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.

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