Is It Bad To Have A Lot Of Déjà Vu?

One of the sensations that most disconcerts human beings on a logical and emotional level is that of experiencing Déjá vu. That is, living an experience for the first time, however, feeling internally that that moment has already occurred at some previous moment. It is a lived or felt sensation that occurs automatically, without any prior planning.

However, that fleeting moment leaves a deep mark in the memory of the affected person who cannot help but be surprised by what happened or ask questions about it. The more years of life a person has, the more likely they are to have experienced episodes of these characteristics. At PsychologyFor we ask ourselves this question: “Is it bad to have a lot of Déjá vu? ”. In this article we answer the question.

What happens when I have a lot of déjà vu

In life there is a certain dose of mystery since, from a philosophical point of view, the person asks many questions that do not have a definitive answer. The experience of Déjà vu produces a certain feeling of magic because the inexplicable nature of the situation (in fact, there are different theories about it).

The sensations of Déjá vu are closely connected to the nature of the situation that produces them (in terms of sadness, excitement, hope, motivation or joy).

However, experiencing a specific episode of these characteristics is not the same as living with it more frequently in your life. The present is the time in which we all must be. One of the side effects that Déjà vu produces is the impossibility of truly living in the now since the current moment is conditioned by the past of that information that suddenly surfaces.

By experiencing many Déjà vu, the person would feel completely overwhelmed in the direct relationship with reality because instead of feeling that each new day is revealed for the first time, they would observe in many of the daily stimuli a past already lived, something already seen that resurfaces from new.

Therefore, it is like being in a constant contradiction with time. Something similar to being physically present in a place, but having a divided heart because the attention goes beyond the immediate. Knowledge is characterized by the intentionality of its essence. That is, the mental idea refers to the real object. However, when the subject experiences Déjà vu this logic is broken on a subjective level because what the mind is knowing connects with a scene from another time. But from the lack of precision of not being able to identify the specific when and where.

Is it bad to experience a lot of Déjà vu? In reality, it may be uncomfortable especially depending on how each new sequence affects the person and, also, depending on the type of situations produced.

Is it bad to have a lot of Déjà vu? - What happens when I have a lot of déjà vu

Is it bad to have a constant feeling of déjà vu?

Life is defined by its novelty factor. It is true that beyond the differences, there is a common basis in routine. A base made up of predictable habits and customs. However, the present receives this name because it is a totally new and current time.

At the same time, it is worth pointing out that the weak point of many people is precisely their difficulty in living the now with intensity, forgetting the past or anticipations of the future. Well, if the difficulty that human beings have in living in the present is also added to this fracture that occurs in time through Déjá vu, this can block the person even more.

The discomfort of experiencing many Déjá vu actually depends on the emotional reaction it produces in the protagonist and the intensity of the moment. In addition, there may also be a side effect that, if the person begins to experience situations of this type, they end up conditioned by their own subjectivity by becoming obsessed with what is happening to them because it inevitably affects them especially as it is something they do not know. how to control.

And, furthermore, a Déjá vu is not only characterized by its present impression, but also by the effect it produces on the mind of the person who wants to draw on that information to connect with its origin through an internal dialogue that does not exist. concludes definitively. It is unusual to have a lot of déjá vu. However, when a person experiences many episodes of this type in a short period of time, they can consult any questions with a specialist

Is it bad to have a lot of Déjà vu? - Is it bad to have a constant feeling of déjà vu?

Déjà vu explained

There are different theories about why déjà vu occurs. One of the most interesting theories is the one proposed by specialist Anne M. Cleary, who explains that in an experience of this type, memory identifies a situation as familiar by remembering some previous event but from the imprecision of not exactly identifying the link. logic between both elements.

As this expert explains, the familiarity It is a type of recognition memory that occurs when in a present experience there is some element of that scene that has a similarity to some previous experience. Then, from the memory of this familiarity, the sensation of reliving what was experienced arises through the activation of those past sensations.

Sometimes, through your memory, you do have the ability to identify the exact moment the same situation occurred. For example, you can identify when you ran into the same friend at the same coffee shop. You clearly remember all the details of those scenes. However, the feeling of déjà vu is more linked, from the perspective of this theory, to that vital information that is recognized in some type of trait, however, in a more superficial way. That is, the sensation that remains at the base of déjà vu is familiarity. But this familiarity does not allow us to conclude the definitive data of when, where and how

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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