What Does It Mean To Meet A Person Several Times?

Meeting a person several times can have different meanings, such as that they are going to bring something good to your life, remember something that you should keep in mind, or show something that you don’t want to see, among others. From the Western point of view, meeting a person several times would be understood as mere chance.

However, new psychological approaches and quantum physics propose the existence of phenomena such as synchronicity, through which it is observed that encounters are something significant and that they occur for a specific cause. Based on these innovative approaches, in this PsychologyFor article, we will talk about what does it mean to meet a person several times<

What is synchronicity between two people

Synchronicity between two people refers to the simultaneous occurrence of significant events or situations in the lives of both, without there being an obvious causal connection between them. Synchronicity refers to the empirical manifestation of how all the elements that make up the universe are related to each other and united as a whole, as ancient philosophies and spiritualities of the world narrated.

According to theorists who have studied synchronicity, such as Carl Gustav Jung, it is causal phenomena that is, they have been caused by specific causes that our rational mind is not capable of understanding. In this article, we explain Carl Jung’s Synchronicity Theory in detail. Taking this into account, synchronicity between two people is due to causes whose meaning can be useful in deciphering what synchronicity is trying to show us.

It will bring something good to your life.

One of the meanings of meeting a person several times is the possibility that perhaps they appear at this moment in your life to bring you something good. Approach her and interact little by little It will help you find out if this is the true meaning of these repeated causal encounters.

Remember something that I should keep in mind

It may also happen that this causal encounter occurs to remind you of some aspect that you should keep in mind and that, until now, you were overlooking. Life is wise and guides you along the path you should take. Sometimes, These people symbolize certain things to you and, when you see them, they show you that issue that you must address at this precise moment.

Show something I don’t want to see

Another possible meaning of coincidences like meeting someone several times is that you have to pay attention or resolve an issue that you are avoiding unconsciously. The repeated presence of this person obviates this fact. Thanks to this, you will be able to become aware of the need to face what you have not been able to solve until now. For these situations, we recommend reading this article on How to overcome obstacles in life.

You have pending issues with that person

It is possible that meeting a person several times is an indication that the time has come to address and resolve some pending issue that has remained unresolved between you. For various reasons, life is sending us signs it is time to May you both face and resolve this issue

In addressing these outstanding issues, not only you will close unresolved chapters, but you will also lay the foundation for a deeper understanding and a healthier relationship between you. The opportunity to resolve conflicts could provide you with a space for greater clarity and connection, thus contributing to mutual well-being.

You must start a new project together

Synchronicity between people can mean that there is the possibility of undertaking a project with that individual. You may both share interests and the wisdom of life unites you so that you create something new good and beneficial for the world, uniting your knowledge and abilities.

What it means to meet a person several times - You should start a new project together

Do you need her help or she needs yours?

Meeting a person several times may mean that they can help you with something specific that is happening in your life. Finding out if this can be the case and accepting it is a great liberation as, with your help, you will solve some vital obstacle that complicates your life right now.

On the contrary, synchronicities may be due to the fact that this person needs you to help them to resolve a problem or conflict in your life. The repetition of your meeting may be an indication of this.

He will become an important person in your life

The most common idea, and why not say it, beautiful, of meeting a person several times is to think or feel that they can become someone important in your life. This may be a reality, whether as a friend, partner or significant other In your path, this person can appear in your life so frequently because his destiny, at this moment, is to be part of your world.

You have common interests

Another meaning of meeting a person several times can be specific circumstances, such as working in the same place, having mutual friends, or participating in similar activities. In these cases, frequent encounters may simply be the result of share an environment or common interests.

What it means to meet a person several times - You have common interests

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • F. David Peat (sf). Synchronicity: bridge between matter and mind

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